Message from the Organizers
Radio Scientists from South Asia and South East Asia region, the majority being from India, will get together for the URSI Regional Conference in Radio Science this year (URSI-RCRS 2022). This biennial gathering will take place from 1st to 4th of December 2022, in IIT Indore located in central India. URSI-RCRS 2022 promises to be an important event that will attract approximately 250 -300 delegates working on a diverse range of topics related to electromagnetic waves, radio communications, signal processing, photonics, radio astronomy, ionosphere, remote sensing and electromagnetics in biology, etc. We expect a wide spectrum of participants from academia, industry, and government laboratories not just from India but also representing countries in SE Asia.
It is our endeavour to evolve a robust sponsorship and exhibitor program, which will offer the participants an excellent opportunity to meet and discuss common issues, introduce new developments and explore opportunities for collaboration. In the following, we outline how your organization can get involved, either as a sponsor or an exhibitor or both.
URSI-RCRS 2022 will take place at the gleaming campus of IIT Indore, an island of architectural excellence with good guest houses and a clean natural environment 25 km from India’s `clean’ city of Indore. It is an excellent location for providing a conducive ambience for participants from Industry and Academia to discuss technology issues, learn from each other and further knowledge to create a self-reliant India. Indore, a prominent historic and cultural city offers great chances for participants from the Industry to relax in a great `foodie’ ambiance. Weather wise, early December is very pleasant, with the temperatures in the range of 20-25˚C. The chances of rainfall are close to zero.
The local organizing committee and the URSI commission chairs are working hard to make both the technical program and the social events meet and exceed expectations for delegates, sponsors and exhibitors alike. We invite you to take part in supporting this Conference by selecting one or more of the many opportunities that are offered below. Doing so, will demonstrate your organization's position as a leader in this field and allow you to raise your profile with South Asia’s top radio science researchers. We hope to have your organization's name associated with this event.
Amitava Sen Gupta
Chair, Organizing Committee
Abhirup Datta
Convener, Organizing committee
Subra Ananthakrishnan
Conference General Chair
Participation Profile for URSI-RCRS 2022
Expected Attendance 250 -300
Academia 70%
Industry 10%
Government 20%
Anticipated Participating Countries: Most of SE Asian countries, Japan, Europe, USA etc. in addition to Indian delegates.
Sponsorships during our last event
Our previous event URSI-RCRS 2020 was organized in IIT BHU, Varanasi during 12-14 February, 2020. It was attended by over 350 delegates, and in addition to committee meetings, technical sessions, workshops, general lectures it also had a prominent exhibition of products related to radio science. The following gives the list of sponsors and exhibitors for this event
1. Technical Sponsorship:
IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society
2. Platinum Sponsorship:
3. Gold Sponsorship:
JV Micronics Inc.,
Keysight Technologies,
4. Silver Sponsorship:
Hughes Communications Ltd.
5. Bronze Sponsorship:
Rohde and Schwartz,
Convergent Technologies Pvt Ltd.
Sponsorship Levels for URSI-RCRS 2022
(All amounts indicated below are excluding GST)
Platinum Sponsor – INR 2, 00, 000 and above
Sponsor logo and description will be listed prominently in all official communication including the website, the final program and onsite signage.
Recognition on social media
Acknowledgements at conference inaugural ceremony and curtain raiser ceremony
Proportional logo displayed on overhead screen at the start of each technical session
One full page colour advertisement in Final Program
First Priority placement in exhibition area
Logo on final program cover
One page insert in the delegate bag
Five (5) complimentary registrations
Gold Sponsor – INR 1, 00, 000
Sponsor logo and description will be listed prominently in all official communication including the website, the final program and onsite signage.
Recognition on social media
Acknowledgements at conference inaugural ceremony
Proportional logo displayed on overhead screen at the start of each technical session
One full page colour advertisement in Final Program
Priority placement in exhibition area
Logo on final program cover
One page insert in the delegate bag
Three (3) complimentary registrations
Silver Sponsor – INR 50, 000
Sponsor logo and description will be listed prominently in all official communication including the website, the final program and onsite signage.
Acknowledgements at conference inaugural ceremony
Proportional logo displayed on overhead screen at the start of each technical session
Half page colour advertisement in Final Program
Second Priority placement in exhibition area
Two (2) complimentary registrations
Bronze Sponsor – INR 25, 000
Sponsor logo and description will be listed prominently in all official communication including the website, the final program and onsite signage.
Acknowledgements at conference inaugural ceremony
Third Priority placement in exhibition area
One (1) complimentary registration
Exhibit details (for all levels of sponsorship)
3 m × 3 m (10 feet x 10 feet) exhibit space
Exhibit Hours: 09:00 – 18:00 Hrs from Dec 01 – 04, 2022 (Thursday – Sunday)