
I am looking for motivated M.Tech., M.S., and Ph.D. students interested in exploring the field of mechanics. You can find details regarding the admission process at IIT Indore here.  

My research work broadly falls in the intersection between mechanics and material science. I use the domains of metal plasticity, micro-mechanics, finite element methods, fracture mechanics, and computational tools to investigate the deformation behavior in solids.

Below, you'll find the research topics I am interested in. If you've got an idea/problem that we both find intriguing and not listed below, I'd love to discuss it.

o Ductile failure in low triaxiality regime.

o Deformation mechanism in layered materials.

o Damage modeling in ceramics.

Feel free to shoot me an email, give me a call, or swing by my office so we can discuss further details.

Looking forward to hearing from you!