Advanced Functional Analysis and its Applications 2020

Overview & Objectives

A joint collaboration of Dept. of Mathematics from NISER Bhubaneswar and IIT Hyderabad organize Advanced Functional Analysis and its Applications 2020. People from various parts of the world are invited to deliver talks in this event. A special attention is paid to the area 'Analysis on Banach spaces'. This is an online event and the organizers are keen to reach out to the participants along with their requirements and interests virtually. Our prime objective is to cover some advanced topics in Functional Analysis at its introductory level. Apart from the application viewpoints the subject Functional Analysis can be studied in its own interests. From the time of Fourier to the present day the subject evolved and expanded in many directions. J. Dieudonne's book 'History of Functional Analysis' encounters the developments of this subject. We have chosen a few topics for this workshop and we believe that a study on these topics will improve the understanding of the subject Functional Analysis and some of its branches.

Who can attend

We are expecting applications from people across the Globe working in Mathematical Analysis. Research scholars persuing research in various fields of Functional Analysis are encouraged to register for this workshop.

About the event

The central theme of this event is to offer some advanced topics in Functional Analysis with special emphasis on Analysis on Banach spaces. From the time of Stephan Banach to till date the theory has long heritage and culture. The richness of this theory attracted many people to work in it. The Handbook of Geometry of Banach Spaces (I & II) encounter the developments of the literature in last few decades. We aim to offer a few topics which are relevant to the current research in this domain.

Course Material

We will send the course material to the participants in October 2020. The instructors will come online in December to interact with the participants. There will be separate online portals for these courses, where participants can post their queries. We will keep in touch with the participants through these portals.

The following online platform would be used for this workshop.

  • ZOOM for the online lectures.

  • Google Classroom for the recorded lectures.

  • Microsoft Teams for sending queries to the instructors.