CS 613: Natural Language Processing

IIT Gandhinagar

Autumn 2023

Instructor: Mayank Singh (email: singh.mayank@iitgn.ac.in)

Office Hours: Monday 10 AM-12 PM (For any other day, email me for an appointment)

Class Schedule: Monday and Wednesday 2:00-3:20 PM.

Location: AB 1/103

Communication Google group: cs613-2023.pvtgroup@iitgn.ac.in

Teaching Assistants

Prerequisite (Optional)

Course Contents

Lecture Slides and Additional Materials

Assignments (All deadlines are 11:59 PM IST)

Paper Presentations

Presentation 1: 5th and 6th October [slots]

Presentation 2: November 8th and 9th [slots]

Grading Policy & Schedule

     Two paper presentations (each carrying 10 marks). 
