Dr. Ravi Chandra Dutta
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad, Karnataka, India
Honorary Senior Research Fellow
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
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Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane (2016-2019)
Masters of Technology (M.Tech), Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK), Kanpur, India
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech), Chemical Engineering, Andhra University College of Engineering (AUCE), Visakhapatnam, India
Post-Doctoral Research Experience
Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P), Mainz, Germany (Feb 2020 - Sept 2021)
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia (Oct 2021 - Apr 2023)
Awards and Honors
Early Career Research (ECR) Award, The Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Government of Karnataka (GoK), India
Faculty Staff Excellence Award, The University of Queensland, Australia
Max Planck Society Fellowship, Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
University of Queensland Career Development Award, The University of Queensland, Australia
Australian nanotechnology network Travel award
University of Queensland International Scholarship
University of Queensland Living Allowance Scholarship
Administrative Responsibilities at IIT Dharwad
Senate Member, IIT Dharwad [2023-2025]
Faculty In-Charge, Contracts and Services, IIT Dharwad [2024-2027]
Member, The Undergraduate Academic Progress Evaluation Committee (UGAPEC), IIT Dharwad [2023-Till Now]
Member, Library Committee, IIT Dharwad [2023-Till Now]
PG Admission Coordinator, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Dharwad [2024-]
Member Secretary, Department Undergraduate Committee (DUGC), Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Dharwad [2024-
Member Secretary, Department Postgraduate Committee (DPGC), Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Dharwad [2024-
Faculty Advisor, 2023-2027 batch, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Dharwad