Perspective: I believe teaching gives unique opportunity to share knowledge and learn new ideas by interacting with new minds coming from different background, culture, and place. Personally, teaching provides me immense satisfaction by shaping better future of young minds of society. Now-a-days, gathering information has become a trivial task for student by digital platforms. Hence, my goal as a teacher is to ensure both conceptual and practical learning. I am prepared to teach undergraduate courses of inorganic chemistry, and higher-level courses of coordination chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, and organometallics chemistry. I believe, students’ motivation is key to determines, directs, and sustains what they do to learn. Hence, I expand my course materials on application of chemical process in industries (catalyst design and catalytic cycles) and opportunities associated with these skills and knowledge. Better understanding of concepts provides better retention of information, increases performance, and results in more equitable learning outcomes. I prefer to offer short practice questions during the lecture to make sure students are learning. Additionally, at the end of each chapter, I do provide set of questions in assignment which allow students to practice and ensure they are capable to implement the concepts to solve the problems. To keep student’s focus on the class, I try to engage students through think-pair-share and asking questions to activate their prior knowledge. 

I strongly believe that diversity in classroom offers students cultural and social exchange. To meet the equity in the class, my effort is to provide equal access to the available resources to each student. There is always a different way to think or look on any topic. Hence, I encourage inclusiveness and two-way communication in class. Most importantly, there is always room for the improvement, hence, assessment of teaching methods and students’ progress will be implemented through various way. This includes, but not limited to, feedback from students, evaluating students’ progress report of class assignment, tests, quiz, presentation etc. Also, allow students to share their view on teaching methods (e.g. lecturing, discussion, assignments, presentations etc.) after end of each chapter, and implement whichever helping them learning more. 

CH 102: Fundamental concepts and applications of chemistry


CH 323: Coordination and organometallic chemistry


CH 901: Coordination chemistry, organometallics and organometallic reagents


CH 312: Chemistry laboratory-II
