
MTL103: Optimization Methods and Applications


Offered: 2023-24

In this course, I took two tutorial classes and helped in evaluating the answer scripts.

MTL458: Operating Systems


Offered: 2023-24

In this course, I helped the instructor by helping in evaluating the answer scripts.

MTL508: Mathematical Programming


Offered: 2022-23,2021-22,2020-21

In this course, I helped the instructor by taking tutorial classes (once in two weeks) and also helped in evaluating the answer scripts.

MTL342: Design and Analysis of Algorithm


Offered: 2022-23

In this course, I helped the instructor by taking tutorial classes (once in a month) and also helped in evaluating the answer scripts.

MTL146: Combinatorics


Offered: 2021-22

In this course, I helped the instructor by helping in evaluating the answer scripts.