
Research Interests: Detection and Attribution of Hydrologic Change, Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Hydroclimatic Extremes, Hydrologic Statistics, Uncertainty Modeling, Climate Change, Statistical Downscaling, Frequency Analysis of Floods and Droughts including Regionalization, Risk Assessment under Non-stationarity, Urban Flooding.

What is event attribution of climate change? The science and policy implications. Here's my take in simple language.

A public lecture on Statistical extreme value theory to analyse floods, droughts and heat waves, as part of e-school in Climate Studies, IIT Bombay, now available in YouTube

Click on the image above for a short video explaining the effects of non-stationarity in hydrology. 

Journals that we publish in or cite:

Water Resources Research, Advances in Water Resources, Journal of Hydrology, Hydrological Processes, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Water Resources Management, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, Hydrological Sciences Journal.

Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Science, PNAS, Science Advances, Geophysical Research Letters, Environmental Research Letters, Scientific Reports,  Scientific Data, Journal of Climate, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Climate Dynamics, International Journal of Climatology, Atmospheric Research Letters, Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics , Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Weather and Climate Extremes, Earth's Future, Natural Hazards, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Global and Planetary Change, Global Environmental Change, Regional Environmental Change, Climatic Change, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Global Change Biology, Journal of Environmental Management, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.

WIRE's reviews, Reviews of Geophysics.

Extremes, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Environmental Modeling and Software, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Computers and Geosciences, PloSOne.