Sexual Harassment Resources


Resilience is an organization that is dedicated to supporting survivors of sexual violence. Resilience offers a number of free services such as trauma therapy, support groups, medical advocacy, and legal advocacy. Resilience’s legal advocates (not lawyers) are available to assist student survivors who are pursuing Title IX cases. They work to help students receive appropriate accommodations and make them aware of all their options. Resilience recognizes the severe shortcomings in the ways that our systems treat survivors of sexual violence. 


Instagram: @resiliencechi

Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)

CAASE is an organization that seeks to address the culture, institutions, and individuals that perpetrate, profit from, or support sexual exploitation. CAASE provides legal services (they have a team of attorneys who specialize in both criminal and civil cases), prevention education, public policy & advocacy, and community engagement. CAASE offers free legal representation for survivors of sexual violence and helps students navigate Title IX and understand their rights. CAASE is an organization that strongly believes that social and institutional systems do not adequately serve survivors of sexual violence


Instagram: @thecaase


RAINN is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country. They offer crisis support services and other confidential support. They provide a national helpline for male survivors, a national street harassment hotline, a national domestic violence hotline, and more.


Instagram: @rainn

YWCA Metropolitan Chicago

YWCA Metropolitan Chicago is dedicated to empowering women and eliminating racism by providing support to all women along various stages of their journeys.  They offer a broad range of services, including Sexual Violence Support Services, Wellness & Mental Health Services, and a Women’s Health Exchange. The YWCA offers a variety of groups to assist survivors and non-offending family members with healing from the trauma of sexual assault. Clients are able to challenge their feelings of isolation and receive support from peers by participating in group counseling. While specific groups may vary from site to site, groups are typically offered to adult survivors of child sexual abuse, child and teen survivors of sexual violence, and parents.


Instagram: @ywcachicago


KAN-WIN is  an organization whose mission is to eradicate gender-based violence, including domestic violence and sexual assault. They focus in particular on helping women and children across Asian American communities. They offer a confidential hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all of their services are free and strictly confidential. KAN-WIN recognizes that domestic violence and sexual assault are highly prevalent in Asian immigrant communities; victims, particularly recent immigrants, face formidable barriers to safety and stability due to differences in their cultural and traditional backgrounds, isolation, limited English proficiency, and unstable immigration status, among others. KAN-WIN provides linguistically accessible support (sexual assault services, support groups, legal advocacy, and more) that can help address complex and unique issues that arise from their clients’ cultural and immigrant backgrounds.


Instagram: @kanwinchicago

Greenlight Counseling Services

Greenlight Counseling (, a division of Greenlight Family Services, provides counseling, advocacy, and other services to survivors of campus sexual assault. It is Greenlight’s goal to provide high-quality, long-term counseling at no charge to the client. Greenlight offers 20 therapy sessions at no cost for all students who have experienced sexual assault while in college or graduate school. 


Instagram: @greenlightcounseling_il

Know Your IX

Know Your IX is a political advocacy group that aims to inform students of their right to an education free from gender-based violence under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination in institutions receiving federal government funding. This group does not offer counseling or support services. 


Instagram: @knowyour9