Representative's Column: 1/25

Elizabeth Karagiannes- Aerospace Engineering:

The best course that I have taken so far at IIT has been CS 201 with Professor Boliske. Professor Boliske does a great job in this course of not only talking about theory and definitions but a great deal of practical applications. He is also very open to answering any questions, and spending extra time on topics the class may have questions on. The course in itself is also a great course to take for those who have a bit of a CS background and want to complete two courses, CS 115 and 116, in one go.

Tiffany Wong- Math:

My favorite course is SSCI318: Global Health. I took it in my first semester at IIT, and it was admittedly very hard. I considered withdrawing at one point, but the course got more interesting as weeks went on. It's about how the most critical issues and initiatives in global health are being addressed today. The aspect that is the most thought-provoking in the course is that it allowed me to understand that there are a lot of theories and methods to address health disparities in different countries, but the results are never what you think. There needs to be a general understanding of the group you're trying to help before you try to formulate a plan to tend to their issues. SSCI318 is honestly a course that has hidden life lessons in it.

Cheryl Gardner- Information Technology and Management:

The best course that I have taken at IIT is Human Computer Interaction (ITMD 362). The reason that this class has been my favorite is because all the assignments had very broad descriptions. This allowed for me to be able to take these projects and make them my own and unique. As well, it taught me how to collaborate with other students on a project through GitHub which I think is a skill that is so valuable when getting into the working world. In addition to building my own websites I also got to then test the user satisfaction on the website with fellow students which was so much fun because I was able to learn what I can improve on in future change

Alison Yurchak- Biomedical Engineering:

Math 151 with Miranda, the best professor, forgiving and is very direct and straightforward with information

Elle Dils- Architecture:

The best course I've taken so far is Design Communications–especially my first and second semesters with Prof. Wigen. This is the class where architecture students learn how to use modeling and photo editing software, so we're allowed to dream up and design totally crazy things and share them with the class, who's also made equally crazy stuff. It's also a helpful class in that it teaches you how to communicate your ideas and the intent behind your design succinctly–a skill that is sometimes hard for young architects like me lol.

Alyssa Bragg- Physics:

I took Energy Policy (PS 338) with Professor Shapiro and loved the course! I learned so much about the way policies are formed and implemented, as well as how people take in scientific information and use it to form their own opinions. It really opened my eyes to how important science is in the political process, as well as how dangerous it can be if misused or misrepresented. I would recommend the course to anyone interested in politics or passionate about the environment. I would also recommend the course to anyone in a scientific field, as it is so important to understand how the work we are doing can affect the world around us, whether positively or negatively, both in terms of scientific innovation and in political decision-making.

Caitlin Kenoian- Mechanical Engineering:

Social Inequality with Professor Deis because I learned so much from the assigned readings and all the lectures were thought-provoking and interactive. Professor Deis is such a good teacher, I've taken two of these classes and I learned so much from both of them! Definitely recommend to anyone looking for a HUM/SSCI credit to fulfill.

Christina Majercak- Chemical Engineering:

The best course I have taken at IIT was Organic Chemistry I with Prof. Somdev Banerjee. All students were very involved during class lecture and everyone was eager to learn. Banerjee's lectures were easy to follow, and he added a fun spirited energy to the class. Although Organic Chemistry can be a nightmare for some, I looked forward to coming to lectures because of the interactive learning space. The class was also very free-willed, which helped not add too much pressure on assignment deadlines, but rather we were always told to "focus on the learning". I learned quite a lot in this class as well as perfected my own learning style!

Julia Yu- Biochemistry:

Hum 321: Introduction to Women's Studies was the best course I've ever taken because it allowed me to examine challenges that women face like I never had before. The course pushed me to examine the ground I stood on and the air I breathed. I also appreciated discussion with Professor Fard and classmates, which enhanced my own understanding of feminism.

Olivia Hansen- Civil Engineering:

The best course that I have taken at IIT was definitely my International Law and Organizations. I took this course to simply fill a core requirement but the course really became so much more as the course challenged me to improve my writing skills and become aware or relevant material that is often referenced. I also loved the course because its professor, Professor Jankovski, was able to relate a lot of the new terms we learned to examples in our other coursework.