Undergraduate Research Banquet

An event of the Student Committee on Research Affairs

Exhibiting Research & Projects

As attendees converged at the Chicago Cultural Center, they had the chance to learn about some recent undergraduate research and projects undergone. These spanned disciplines from accelerator and particle physics to data science for social impact to robotics and rocketry engineering.

Exhibiting Research & Projects

Some of those projects and research were previously presented at venues locally, regionally, nationally, and even internationally.

The Robotics Team is a promotes the development and application of robotics technology, providing a platform for students to learn, design, build, and compete with robots

IIT Rocketry is an engineering project team dedicated to designing, assembling, and launching high-powered rockets.

What is Research?

Vice Provost for Research Fred J. Hickernell, upon taking his administrative role, ensured that he would still be able to actively contribute to his field of research: computational mathematics.

Since taking up the role, he's revitalized the Undergraduate Student Advisory Committee, an essential joint faculty-student coalition to advance the undergraduate research experience.

At the banquet, Provost Hickernell informed us of some essential philosophies and understandings to maintain when beginning, continuing, and contemplating the undertaking of a research experience.

The Role of the Kaplan Institute for Research

As the Kaplan Institute continues its ongoing growth and development of new programs to advance research across the university, Director Maryam Saleh shared her research experience and what it was like to transform novel research into an applicable technology that was the foundation for a company to be born, a common sought after experience in the startup and venture capital landscape.

More than sharing her experience, Director Saleh presented on the multiple research initiatives for students and faculty spearheaded by the Kaplan Institute.

The Value of Alumni & Student Relations

Next, Rezwan introduced Bob Hoel, Chair of the Alumni Association, who discussed the value of alumni engagement across the university, and ways "future alumni" can look back to their university experience to give back in ways they were benefitted by other alumni during their time at Illinois Tech.

The SGA is growing its connections with the Alumni Association and as a result, forging a stronger university network.

Advancing Student Research

As an event hosted by the Student Committee on Research Affairs, it only makes sense to hear from the committee itself. As a result, Jacob H. Thomas, founder of the committee, presented on its progress in the past year and its future vision, passing the torch off to Nihila Panyam as the 2024-2025 SGA VP for Research Affairs.

The SCRA is Illinois Tech's fastest growing student initiative, including over 20 students in its leadership team, and having engaged with over 1,000 students through its events, media, and programs, including the new mentorship network.

Reflecting on SGA Accomplishments & Aligning Vision

Before recognizing Senator contributions, President of SGA Rezwan Rifat gave a recapitulation on accomplishments of the SGA in the past year. Contributions mentioned were the development of a career mentorship program with the Alumni Association and Office of Career Services, the expansion of career fair companies, introduction of a campus safety walk with university administration, foundation of the Food Advisory Board, and collaboration with the University Faculty Council on the revision of the core curriculum, as well as the creation of the SGA Research VP Position.

Recognizing Student Success Through Leadership

In the spirit of recognizing student excellence across the university, Executive Vice President of SGA Derrick Hill and Mallik Sundaharam, Illinois Tech Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, presented the following Senators with Outstanding Senator awards: Sudipta Banerjee, Nikhila Panyam, Abinash Mohanty, Mumnoon Islam, Genevieve Onyekaonwu, Maya Bajorek, Andrew Rollins, Joseph Shamaon, Bhavya Chawla, Rutam Chougule, and Vikash Singh.


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