University Assessment Committees

Illinois Tech has a robust, faculty-centered structure to conduct core, program, and co-curricular assessment, linked by an overlapping committee structure and unified in support of developing a culture of assessment that provides meaningful data to improve educational quality and student success. 

If you are interested in participating  or serving on a specific  assessment committee, please email (Mary/Diane/CLI)

Nicolas Menhart, Deputy VP Accreditation and Academic Initiatives and Accreditation Liason Officer (ALO), is the executive in charge of accreditation and student learning assessment at Illinois Tech. With accreditation and student learning assessment the responsibility of the entire Illinois Tech community, Dr. Menhart established several university-wide committees to help achieve our goal to ensure quality student learning in every program. 

Assessment Academy Committee (AAC)

Illinois Tech is participating in the Higher Learning Commission's (HLC) Assessment Academy, a program to help institutions improve its culture of assessment. The AAC is the umbrella committee for the other assessment committees. 

University Program Assessment Committee (UPAC)

UPAC focuses on improving processes and procedures for university-wide program assessment. UPAC sponsors Assessment Day. 

Core Curriculum Assessment Committee (CCAC)

The Core Curriculum Committee focuses on the university-wide general education learning objectives and assessment policies and processes to ensure that all students graduating Illinois Tech regardless of their major, have a solid foundation in communication, math, and ….

Cocurricular Assessment Committee (CoCAC)

The Co-Curricular Assessment Committee focuses on the university-wide learning objectives and goals that go above and beyond programs and courses. They attend to policies and processes to ensure that all students graduating Illinois Tech regardless of their major, have exemplary professional  experiences and …