
Modeling dynamics, structures, and amplification mechanisms in wall-bounded turbulent flows

We are broadly interested in understanding the features and properties of turbulent flows, particularly the structures and mechanisms that emerge within and sustain the turbulent dynamics, in both the incompressible and compressible regimes. We typically study these dynamics via the resolvent formulation of the underlying equations.

Selected publications

B Lopez-Doriga, E Ballouz, HJ Bae, and STM Dawson, “Sparse space-time resolvent analysis for statistically-stationary and time-varying flows,” submitted,. (arXiv) 

E Ballouz, B Lopez-Doriga, STM Dawson, and HJ Bae, “Wavelet-based resolvent analysis of non-stationary flows,” submitted,. (arXiv

B Lopez-Doriga, M Atzori, R Vinuesa, HJ Bae, A Srivastava, and STM Dawson, “Linear and nonlinear Granger causality analysis of turbulent duct flows,” to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2024. (arXiv)

E Ballouz, B Lopez-Doriga, STM Dawson, and HJ Bae “Transient growth of wavelet-based resolvent modes in the buffer layer of wall-bounded turbulence,” to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2024.  (arXiv

B Hermann, PJ Baddoo, STM Dawson, R Semaan, SL Brunton, and BJ McKeon. “Interpolatory input and output projections for flow control,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2023. (Journal Link, arXiv)

B Lopez-Doriga, STM Dawson & R Vinuesa, "Resolvent analysis of laminar and turbulent duct flows." AIAA Aviation 2022 Forum (Link, arXiv).

STM Dawson & BJ McKeon, "Prediction of resolvent mode shapes in supersonic turbulent boundary layers," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2020. (Link)

HJ Bae, STM Dawson & BJ McKeon, "Resolvent-based study of compressibility effects on supersonic turbulent boundary layers," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2020. (Journal Link, arXiv)

HJ Bae, STM Dawson & BJ McKeon, "Studying the effect of wall cooling in supersonic boundary layer flow using resolvent analysis," AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum (Link)

STM Dawson & BJ McKeon, "On the shape of resolvent modes in wall-bounded turbulence," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2019 (Journal Link, arXiv)

STM Dawson & BJ McKeon, "Studying the effects of compressibility in planar Couette flow using resolvent analysis," AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum. (Link)

S Symon, K Rosenberg, STM Dawson & BJ McKeon, "Non-normality and classification of amplification mechanisms in stability and resolvent analysis," Physical Review Fluids, 2018 (Journal Link, arXiv)

STM Dawson, T Saxton-Fox, & BJ McKeon, "Modeling passive scalar dynamics in wall-bounded turbulence using resolvent analysis," 2018 AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference. (Link)

Modeling and control of unsteady aerodynamic systems

We are interested in developing and applying methods that improve our ability to understand and predict the aerodynamic behavior of airfoils, wings, or other aerodynamic systems under highly unsteady conditions.

Selected publications

STM Dawson & SL Brunton, "Improved approximations to the Wagner function using sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics," AIAA Journal, 2022. (Journal link, arXiv, supplementary material)

P Tamilselvam, KJ Asztalos, & STM Dawson, "Transient growth analysis of flow over an airfoil for identifying high-amplification, spatially-localized inputs," AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, paper 0592. (Link)

KJ Asztalos, STM Dawson, & DR Williams, "Modeling the Flow State Sensitivity of Actuation Response on a Stalled Airfoil,"  AIAA Journal, 2021. (Journal link)

KJ Asztalos, STM Dawson, & DR Williams, "Modeling the Dynamics of Actuation on an Airfoil at Post-Stall Angles of Attack," AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum,  paper 1336. (Link

X He, KJ Asztalos, J Henry, STM Dawson, & DR Williams "Generating Traveling Cross-Flow Gusts in a Wind Tunnel," AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, paper 1938, (Link)

MS Hemati, STM Dawson, & CW Rowley, "Parameter-varying aerodynamics models for aggressive pitching-response prediction," AIAA Journal, 2017. (Link)

STM Dawson, NK Schiavone, CW Rowley, & DR Williams, "A data-driven modeling framework for predicting forces and pressures on a rapidly pitching airfoil," AIAA fluid dynamics conference, 2015. (Link)

SL Brunton, STM Dawson, & CW Rowley, "State-space model identification and feedback control of unsteady aerodynamic forces," Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2014. (Link)

Extensions, improvements, and novelties in data-driven modeling algorithms

As well as focusing on specific applications in fluid mechanics, we are also interested in developing and  improving methods for extracting information and models from data, sometimes for use in real-time control strategies.  

Selected Publications

T Deda, WR Wolf, & STM Dawson, “Neural networks in feedback for flow analysis, sensor placement and control” submitted. (arXiv)

A Solera-Rico, C.Sanmiguel Vila, MA Gómez, Y Wang, A Almashjary, STM Dawson, & R Vinuesa, “Beta-variational autoencoders and transformers for reduced-order modelling of fluid flows,” Nature Communications, 2024. (Journal LinkarXiv) 

KJ Asztalos, A Almashjary, & STM Dawson, "Galerkin spectral estimation of vortex-dominated wake flows," Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2023. (Journal LinkarXiv)

T Deda, WR Wolf, and STM Dawson, “Backpropagation of neural network dynamical models applied to flow control,” Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2023. (Journal Link)

M Shamai, STM Dawson, I Mezić, & BJ McKeon, "Unsteady dynamics in the streamwise-oscillating cylinder wake for forcing frequencies below lock-on," Physical Review Fluids, 2021. (Journal Link, arXiv)

H Zhang, STM Dawson, CW Rowley, EA Deem, & LN Cattafesta, "Evaluating the accuracy of the dynamic mode decomposition," Journal of Computational Dynamics, 2020. (Journal Link, arXiv)

STM Dawson, MS Hemati, MO Williams, & CW Rowley, "Characterizing and correcting for the effect of sensor noise in the dynamic mode decomposition," Experiments in Fluids, 2016. (Journal Link, arXiv)

MO Williams, MS Hemati, STM Dawson, IG Kevrekidis, & CW Rowley, "Extending data-driven Koopman analysis to actuated systems," IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2016, (Link)

Data-driven modeling of cardiovascular flows

With Amirhossein Arzani's group (website), we are interested in applying modern data-driven modeling techniques to tackle challenging cardiovascular flow problems.

Selected Publications

A Arzani & STM Dawson, "Data-driven cardiovascular flow modelling: examples and opportunities," Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2021 (Journal Link, arXiv)

M Habibi, RM D'Souza, STM Dawson, & A Arzani, "Integrating multi-fidelity blood flow data with reduced-order data assimilation," Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2021. (Journal Link , arXiv)

M Habibi, STM Dawson, & A Arzani, "Data-driven pulsatile blood flow physics with dynamic mode decomposition," Fluids, 2020. (Journal Link)

Review Articles

I have been involved in a number of review articles on modal decomposition and reduced-order modeling in fluid dynamics.

Selected Publications

A Towne, STM. Dawson, GA Brès, A Lozano-Durán, T Saxton-Fox, A Parthasarathy, AR Jones, H Biler, C-A Yeh, HD Patel, & K Taira, "A database for reduced-complexity modeling of fluid flows," AIAA Journal, 2023 (Journal Link, arXiv, Database)

K Taira, MS Hemati, SL Brunton, Y Sun, K Duraisamy, S Bagheri, STM Dawson and C-A Yeh, "Modal analysis of fluid flows: Applications and outlook," AIAA Journal, 2017. (Journal Link)

K Taira, SL Brunton, STM Dawson, CW Rowley, T Colonius, BJ McKeon, OT Schmidt, S Gordeyev, V Theofilis, & LS Ukeiley, "Modal Analysis of Fluid Flows: An Overview," AIAA Journal, 2017. (Journal Link)

CW Rowley and STM Dawson,  "Model reduction for flow analysis and control," Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 2017. (Journal Link)