Program schedule


Venue: Kaumudi Hall, Lecture Hall Complex

08.30-09:30 | Registration

09:30-09:35 | Introductory remarks 

Prof. Anil Shaji, Head, School of EESS, IISER TVM

09:35-09:50 | Inaugural Address

Prof. J. N. Moorthy, Director, IISER TVM

Session I 

09:50-10:30 | Dr. M. N. Rajeevan

Monsoon Variability

10:30-10:40 | Group Photo

10:40-11:00 | Poster Session & Tea break

Session II 

11:00-11:30 | Prof. Tarun Gupta

Measurement and analysis of PM2.5 bound tracer organic molecules in ambient air of Indo-Gangetic Plain   

11:30-12:00 | Dr. K. Kishore Kumar 

Poleward Marching of Atmospheric Juggernaut in a Warming Climate. 

12:00-12:30 | Dr. Padmalal 

Imprints of economic developments on the water resources of Kerala: The need for environment-inclusive developments for sustainable growth.

12:30-13:00 | Prof. Rajesh V. J.

Petrogenesis and Economic Significance of Ultramafic Rocks in the Southern Granulite Terrain, Southern India

13:00-14:15 | Lunch Break

Session III 

14:15-14:45 | Prof. Mohammed Hatha 

Rapidly Warming Arctic – Implications for life in the  fjords and tundra, with special reference to microbial communities.  

14:45-15:15 | Prof. Sanjeev Kumar 

Too much or too little : the story of nitrogen 

15:15- 15.45            | Dr. G. V. M. Gupta

Marine life and Ecosystems- an overview

15:45-16:10 | Poster Session & Tea break

Session IV 

16:10-17:20 | Flash Talks 

17:30-17:45 | Prize distribution &  Valedictory Session