
Every summer La Vida brings you a series of webinars with an aim to enrich you with knowledge and information about the latest research being conducted by brilliant minds across the world. Find below the details of upcoming/recent webinars.



Breaking the bilateral body symmetry: Left-right patterning in mammalian embryos

While the majority of the animal kingdom has a bilaterally symmetric body plan, many groups manifest left-right (LR) asymmetry with respect to the organisation of internal organs. In mammals, the breaking of bilateral symmetry to establish LR pattern occurs in the gastrulating embryos before the organs are formed. Disruptions in this mechanism result in Heterotaxia syndrome, characterized by a range of LR defects. In spite of this importance, several fundamental questions regarding the LR patterning mechanism remain poorly understood. Mouse embryos mutant for Tbx6, encoding a T-box transcription factor, display severe LR defects. Tbx6 is an early developmental gene with a central role in mesoderm germ layer specification and in progenitors generating posterior spinal cord and musculoskeletal tissues. How this key developmental gene functions in the LR patterning mechanism is unclear. Combining loss of function studies using mouse genetics and ChIP-sequencing approach to identify the global transcriptional targets, our research shows that Tbx6 controls LR patterning mechanism at multiple critical regulatory steps. Based on this evidence, we propose that Tbx6 could be a part of the mechanism to induce the LR patterning mechanism in the right time prior to the initiation of organ formation.

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Schedule   :   02/07/2023

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Muscles: How are they formed and maintained in a living system?

Skeletal muscles, the kinds we use our bodies and limbs for, are fascinating organ systems. Their essential locomotory functions make them central to quality of life. Other functions you may not have heard about make them a key node in systemic metabolism. Their intricate yet stereotypical structure links bodily activity with physiology at a molecular level. Deviations result in debilitating diseases, many of which are genetically linked. How do they attain such intricate form and retain function throughout our lives?

A lot of what we know about mammalian muscle maintenance from studying their stem cells in vitro. This reductionist approach yields valuable information about how satellite cells behave in a dish. In this talk I will bring to light what we are finding about skeletal muscle maintenance and homeostasis inside a living system where all relevant cues from the muscle environment come together. This living system is Drosophila. Fruit-fly flight muscles bear striking similarities in structure and function to human muscles. They allow us to modulate molecular function at a cellular and molecular level. We showed the existence of the satellite like cells in Drosophila for the first time and the cues they get from surrounding muscles. We now ask further if they respond to physical signals like mechanical tension and through what signaling pathway. 

Further, muscles at a fundamental level are contractile syncytia. Many nuclei coexist and function within the same relatively large cell throughout the animal’s life. We ask if the two ends of the same cell have identical cytological processes active. I’ll be discussing our findings that suggest that a host of molecular differences exist along the length of Drosophila flight muscle cells. We find mRNA for close to a hundred proteins including transcription factors, proteases and ion channels enriched in different regions of the muscle fibre. The differences are critical to the formation and maintenance of muscles. How the activities of so many molecules come together just so that flies can beat their wings at 200 hz over a rotting banana is a new and hugely exciting question with implications for how we view human myodystrophic conditions.

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The tick-tock of the daily clock – neural underpinnings of circadian pacemakers.

We now know that a large number of behaviours and physiological processes occur at specific times of the day and that they are not mere responses to geophysical cycles caused due to the rotation of the earth on its axis. In most metazoans the endogenous mechanisms that make up these timekeeping entities reside in neuronal networks. I will discuss how circadian pacemaker circuits govern body functions and evidence for how disruptions in clockwork function can be detrimental to overall health.

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Diary of a scientific wanderlust - Journey from embryology to disease biology

My undergraduate degree is in Chemistry. I studied Biochemistry during my MSc. I performed PhD research in Molecular Biology - Molecular mechanism of initiation of protein synthesis to be precise. During postdoctoral training, I learned embryology of developing chick limb skeleton. Adult limb skeleton is comprised of multiple elements. However limb skeletal development begins with a single cartilaginous template which is branched (along the long axis) and segmented (perpendicular to the long axis) to give rise to the distinct skeletal elements. Further, while the early limb skeleton is made of pure cartilage, in mature skeleton most of the cartilage is replaced by bone. This cartilage that is replaced by bone is referred to as transient cartilage. Only the cartilage adjoining the plane of segmentation remains as cartilage forever and is varyingly referred to as permanent cartilage or articular cartilage or joint cartilage.

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Drosophila models of genetic and viral-induced microcephaly

Our goal is to understand how genetic mutations and viral infections cause neurological disease. Disease causing genetic mutations are often difficult to pinpoint due to multiple candidates in a single patient. Variants in a particular gene of interest are frequently discovered in one or very few patients, which does not provide sufficient evidence for a definitive diagnosis. Model organisms can facilitate functional analysis of human variants, promoting disease identification and characterization. The fruit fly is particularly suited for this role with quick and highly sophisticated genetic manipulations. Functional testing of human variants using Drosophila can lead to disease diagnoses, identification of molecular pathogenic mechanisms, and testing of therapeutic targets. We focus on microcephaly, a devastating neurodevelopmental condition that affects brain development and is characterized by reduced brain size. We established a discovery platform to identify novel genetic variants that cause microcephaly using information from patient cohorts. Our goal is to use this platform to investigate mechanisms of disease, but also determine how these pathways function in normal development. In addition to genetic mutations, viral infections can also cause similar neurodevelopmental defects. One such example is Zika virus, which is associated with very severe microcephaly. We developed Drosophila as a model to identify phenotypes caused by viral protein expression. We use the expansive set of genetic tools to determine what conserved pathways viral proteins interact with to cause disease.

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Cancer Vaccines: Unveiling Opportunities and Confronting Challenges in Design and Development

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, with an estimated 9.5 million cancer deaths in 2020. In India, cancer is the leading cause of death for women and the second leading cause of death for men. The most common cancers in India are lung cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in India, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for women, and colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death for both men and women.

Despite the urgent need to develop an effective cancer vaccine, none is currently available. This interactive lecture will explore the challenges of cancer vaccine development, the various strategies currently being used to design cancer vaccines (such as dendritic cell vaccines, oncolytic virus vaccines, peptide vaccines, and nucleic acid vaccines), with a focus on peptide vaccines and the bioinformatics tools that can be used to design them

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