

Program Schedule: 

11 AM -11.45 AM    Dr Ambuj Pandey

Title: High-Order Quadrature and Its Applications in Real-World Problems

Abstract: Over the past few decades, owing to the advancement of computational resources and fast summation techniques, integral equations have emerged as a popular method for solving many important real-world problems. One of the main challenges in the solution of the integral equation is the evaluation of underlying integral operators, as its closed-form solution in almost all cases is not known. Thus, for any meaningful solution, one must approximate the underlying integrals numerically with a high degree of precession. 

This talk presents a high-order quadrature scheme (numerical integration ) for accurately approximating definite integrals for smooth and non-smooth integrands. We also talk about difficulties associated with extending one-dimensional quadratures in higher dimensions and will present a rapidly convergent quadrature method for higher dimensions. We also discuss how, using numerical integration, one can accurately obtain approximate solutions of integral equations. We conclude the talk by illustrating the application of numerical integration for wave propagation simulation and image processing problems.

12.15 PM to 1.00 PM Dr Dheeraj Kulkarni 

 Title: Career Opportunities in Mathematics 

1.00 PM to 2.00 PM Lunch

2.00 PM to 2.20 PM Dr Sandeep Pathak   

 Title: Open Educational Resources and Research Support Tools for Academic Community

2.30 PM to 3.00 PM Library Visit

3.00 PM to 4.00 PM An interaction with IISERB Math faculty and students. 

4.00 PM.  Group Picture