
E- Safety Training

taking part in a safeguarding course that covers e-safety for pupils, as well as e-safety for parents, can therefore be beneficial for teachers to protect the wellbeing of young people as they increasingly interact online.

These risks fall into three categories as defined by the “EU Kids Online” longitudinal study by London School of Economics:

Content: what children and young people see online

Contact: who they communicate with online

Conduct: how they act online

These can create a range of harmful behaviors that include:

● Online bullying and aggressive contact

● Access to inappropriate or illegal online content

● Online sexual predation

● Youth produced sexual imagery (sexting)

● Self-harm

● Identity theft

● Over-engagement with technology eg gaming, social media, screen time

● Extortion

● Privacy

● Commercialization and the impact of media on self image and identity

Online Safety Campaign

The Digital citizenship and e-safety Campaign was launched for the students, parents and teachers giving information about the perils of giving our personal information on the internet as well as raising awareness of how pedophiles find and exploit children. It was a week long campaign which commenced from 27th September and ended on 1st October. At the end students had to attempt assessment questions and surveys to evaluate their learning.


A week was observed as digital citizenship week at iis school, for creating awareness among our students and staff about online safety and making them familiarize with the terms and risk factors they should expect while being online. Selected topics were given focus each day and awareness sessions and activities were conducted based on that. The campaigns started on 27th of September and ended on 1st of October. The topics focused were

  1. General Internet Safety– General riles and online classroom etiquettes

  2. Cyber Bullying– Types of Cyber bullying– Effects of Cyber Bullying– Misconceptions about Cyber bullying– Facts about Cyber bulling– Legal issues– Prevention

  3. Plagiarism– What is Copyright– How to use copyrighted works safely– Usage of copyrighted works in educational field

  4. Identity Theft– How to protect yourself from identity theft– Uses of theft report (If required)– Phishing/fake emails– How to avoid phishing– How to report phishing

  5. Computer Viruses– Types of computer viruses– How to protect yourself from computer viruses

  6. Reporting pattern / Pledge

  7. E- Safety campaign for staff: The E- Safety campaign was initiated to bring awareness among the teachers and other staff, about cyber safety and issues relevant to the personal safety of the students and the ability to protect them and stay safe themselves. The staff was divided into three groups depending upon the language they preferred for the training session in order to maximize their learning experience. The core focus of the training was the concept of e-safety, forms of cyberbullying, plagiarism, identity theft, computer viruses and school policies.

  8. Internet safety for Parents Internet safety for kids depends on parents being aware of online risks and understanding how to help their children and teens avoid them. The school provided training to the parents as part of a digital empowerment program for parents to help them improve their journey to the digital world and a new online LMS based learning.