CAS Sites

CAS is at the heart of the Diploma Programme. CAS is organized around the three strands of creativity, activity and service defined as follows :  

CAS enables students to demonstrate attributes of the IB learner profile in real and practical ways, to grow as unique individuals and to recognize their role in relation to others. Students develop skills, attitudes and dispositions through a variety of individual and group experiences that provide students with opportunities to explore their interests and express their passions, personalities and perspectives. 

CAS complements a challenging academic programme in a holistic way, providing opportunities for self-determination, collaboration, accomplishment and enjoyment. CAS enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development. 

A meaningful CAS programme is a journey of discovery of self and others. For many, CAS is profound and life-changing. Each individual student has a different starting point and different needs and goals. A CAS programme is, therefore, individualized according to student interests, skills, values and background. 

From the International Baccalaureate's 2017 publication "Creativity, Action, and Service Guide".

Current CAS Sites
Gen. 2024

Sitios CAS actuales Gen.grama del Diploma. CAS se organiza en torno a las tres líneas de creatividad, actividad y servicio que se definen a continuación:  

Creatividad: explorar y ampliar ideas que conduzcan a un producto o rendimiento original o interpretativo. 

Actividad: esfuerzo físico que contribuye a un estilo de vida saludable 

Servicio: compromiso colaborativo y recíproco con la comunidad en respuesta a una necesidad auténtica. 

CAS enables students to demonstrate attributes of the IB learner profile in real and practical ways, to grow as unique individuals and to recognize their role in relation to others. Students develop skills, attitudes and dispositions through a variety of individual and group experiences that provide students with opportunities to explore their interests and express their passions, personalities and perspectives. 

CAS complements a challenging academic programme in a holistic way, providing opportunities for self-determination, collaboration, accomplishment and enjoyment. CAS enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development. 

Un programa de CAS significativo es un viaje de descubrimiento de uno mismo y de los demás. Para muchos, CAS es profundo y les cambia la vida. Cada estudiante individual tiene un punto de partida diferente y diferentes necesidades y objetivos. Por lo tanto, un programa CAS se individualiza de acuerdo con los intereses, habilidades, valores y antecedentes de los estudiantes. 

De la publicación de 2017 del Bachillerato Internacional "Guía de creatividad, acción y servicioes el núcleo del Programa del Diploma. CAS se organiza en torno a las tres líneas de creatividad, actividad y servicio que se definen a continuación:  

Creatividad: explorar y ampliar ideas que conduzcan a un producto o rendimiento original o interpretativo. 

Actividad: esfuerzo físico que contribuye a un estilo de vida saludable 

Servicio: compromiso colaborativo y recíproco con la comunidad en respuesta a una necesidad auténtica.os CAS

Ana Lucia Alcantar G2024

Andrea  Jennifer G2024

Ananda Grossman

Victoire Hanak G2024

Ana Catherin Jones G2024

Alexandra G2024

Lucas Nguyen G2024

Carolina Ruiz G2024

Niall Smith G2024

David Villalobos G2024

Coordinador de CAS

Lic. en Asesioria Psicopedagógica

Gabriela del Rocio Herrada Campos