1. Title : “Miniaturized Multifunctional Ultrawideband Antenna System” 

Grant No.: US11342678/2022 Date of Grant: 06/07/2023 

2.  Title: “Dual Polarized MIMO UWB System: A Method and Device thereof


Patent No. US 11,342,678 B1 Date of Grant: 24/05/2022

3.  Title : “Multiband Reconfigurable Microwave Filtenna” 

Grant No.: US10333225/2019 Date of Grant: 25/06/2019


1. Title : “Multiband MIMO Antenna for Tablet Applications” 

Grant No. 461468 Date of Grant: 23/10/2023

2. Title: “Circular Polarized UWB antenna: A Method and Device Thereof

Grant No. 434503 Date of Grant: 14/06/2023

3. Title : “Directional UWB Antenna: A Method & Device Thereof” 

Grant No.:431943 Date of Grant: 05/05/2023

4. Title : “A Pattern Reconfigurable Multiband Antenna”

 Grant No.:400846 Date of Grant: 05/07/2022

5. Title : “Beam Steerable Antenna: A Method and Device Thereof” 

Grant No.:381305 Date of Grant: 05/11/2021

6. Title : “Multiband Folded Antenna for Tablet Computers” 

Grant No.:399146 Date of Grant: 14/06/2022

7. Title : “Optically Transparent Multiband Antenna: A Method & Device Thereof” 

Grant No.:350627 Date of Grant: 02/11/2020


 1. Title : “Tunable Band Notched Filtenna” 

Application No. : 201841021702 Publication Date : 15/06/2018