The Institute has been educating India’s computing professionals for the past two decades as various academic programs have been offered from its inception. The undergraduate program in Computer Science and Engineering was started in 2017. Following the creation of departments in the Institute, the department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in August 2022. Along with the UG program, the department offers a postgraduate program in the field of Information Security. The students are encouraged to carry out projects in niche areas including Information Systems, Computer Vision, Computer Networks and Software Engineering, as well as specializations in emerging areas of importance such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning and data analytics.

The department has a mix of young and experienced senior faculty members specializing in a wide spectrum of research and teaching areas. The department is in the process of developing state-of-the-art laboratories to cater to the needs of the curriculum. Although at its nascent stage, the department is rapidly evolving to both industrial and academic requirements. Consequently, the department attracts brilliant students who are industry-ready at the end of their respective programs. 


Global excellence in Computer Science and Engineering education and research as a valuable resource for industry and society adapting to the demands of the persistently changing digital world. 


Head of the Department

Prof. Karm Veer Arya

Area of Interest: Image Processing, Biometrics, Information Security, Reliability Analysis,

Office Phone:+91-751-2449830

Address: 112, Block - IV, ABV-IIITM, Morena Link Road, Gwalior-474015 (M.P.), India.
