Dr. Jayavel S


Welcome to the website of the center for Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultation (SRIC). We look forward to working together with industries, academics and entrepreneurs to enhance understanding and impact.

IIITDM Kancheepuram is committed towards developing and maintaining the highest standards in sponsored projects, Industrial Consultancy and Continuing Education. The faculty members work in different cutting-edge technologies and contribute a lot in their research areas in terms of publications and patents. I am happy to inform you that the funding from government and industrial projects increases every year significantly. IIITDM Kancheepuram has state of art machinery and equipment to design and develop products in-house. With the support of government funding agencies and collaboration with industries provides us the motivation for conducting meaningful research. We express our thanks to sponsoring agencies for their encouragement by funding our research projects. Institute has signed several MoU with the industries to jointly design and develop products in the industry-required fields. The Institute regularly organizes conferences, workshops, FDP, and invited talks. There is a wide opportunity for the researchers to collaborate with us in various interdisciplinary research areas. We are committed to working in collaboration with other academic institutions, research labs, and industries to contribute towards the growth and prosperity of the people of this country.