Modern algorithm design

Course description

MAD is designed as a second course in analysis and design of algorithms, a follow-up to the standard undergrad course on the same topic (ADA). On the one hand, we shall dive deeper into some fundamental problems in computer science that have fast exact algorithms. Not only are these fundamental, but they also find several applications in practice. On the other hand, we shall explore classical problems that are computationally 'hard' to solve - both due to NP hardness as well as due to uncertainty in the input - and take a peek into the rich toolkit that has been developed over the last few decades to deal with them. A major focus of this course is to accustom the takers with rigorous analysis of algorithms and initiating them to tools that have become arguably indispensable in algorithm design and analysis , e.g., randomization , linear algebra etc.

Late Day Policy

You have three tokens, each equivalent to 1 late day. You can use these tokens at any point of time over the entire semester.

Please make yourself aware of IIIT-D's academic dishonesty policy.

Email-etiquette to be followed while mailing the Course Instructor or TA. These are also to be kept in mind while posting on Google Classroom.


Syamantak Das

B-512, New Academic Block

Email : syamantak@...

Office hours : Only by appointment (drop an email)

Teaching Assistant

Sagnik Chatterjee

B-513, New Academic Block

Email : sagnikc@...

Office hours : To be decided


Assignments : 40%

Quizzes : 10%

Mid-sem : 25%

End-sem : 25%




Problem Sheets

