

The hardware consists of:

  • Buttons (as touch sensor)
  • Wires
  • LED's
  • Breadboards
  • Felt (for carpet)
  • Bluetooth Module
  • 8*32 LED Matrix Display
  • NOT gates


Analytics and Statistics:

Our system plots a graph between the crowd density vs. time and calculates the busy hours by generating a graph using matplotlib library in Python.

The average time spent by a user waiting in the queue, minimum and maximum time spent waiting along with the average queue length can also be computed.

These graphs and statistics are also sent to the administrative head through SMTP Protocol. It also calculates the busy days by the generation of graph between the days and average crowd density. Hence aiding the in-charge to identify the crowded days as well as the slow workers.


We have made a Graphic User Interface using PyQt5 library in Python which enables switching off our product when not in use thereby saving electricity.


Our game is coded on Arduino IDE, using random pattern generation to decide which LED to light after which it reads the input. If the correct button is pressed, the score is increased. The user decides whether to play or not. Once the user moves forward the progress is not lost and hence may choose to continue. Also the user may view his score at the counter.