About ME (Biography)

Sarthak Sengupta is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Health Management Research, IIHMR University, Jaipur. He also worked as a full-time senior/junior research scholar, teaching assistant, project associate-II, program assistant, and research assistant along with part-time jobs as a guest faculty, instructor, marketing manager, adjunct faculty, researcher, scientist, data analyst, editorial board member, and reviewer. He has submitted his Ph.D. thesis at the Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad, Prayagraj and his doctoral dissertation has been accepted. He has completed his Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Masters in Business Administration (IT) in Human Resource & Marketing Management. He has more than 6 years of work experience in academia or industry. He is also managing startups for research and strategic development. His research and teaching interests include social network analysis, business analytics, social media analytics, digital marketing, cybersecurity, risk management, management information systems, negotiation, conflict management, data mining, machine learning, economics, optimization, banking, marketing, cyber law, and human resource management. He has 40 research publications in revered journals, prestigious conferences, book chapters, book, case study along with 2 patents granted. He has worked in different parts of India and this has helped him in becoming a highly adaptable individual. He likes working in challenging environments and this has helped him develop a dynamic personality with cross-cultural sensitivity. He participated in JENESYS (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths) - ECONOMICS BATCH 2016, JAPAN - a people-to-people exchange program promoted and funded by the Japanese Government to foster international cooperation and economic partnership. He is the recipient of the Young Scientist Award, American Finance Association Travel Grant award, and 4 best paper awards. He has a Diploma in Cyber Law. He is a Certified System Security Analyst and Chairperson of the IEEE Student Branch. His international exposure includes Malaysia, Japan, China, Thailand, and the United States of America. He has been an effective guest speaker in numerous sessions.