Current Roles

Chairperson for the Syllabus Review Committee of the Institute, where we plan and evaluate the academic curricula by ensuring alignment with technology and industry trends, innovation, with an interdisciplinary perspective. This also involves Updating existing courses, introducing new courses, maintaining high educational standards, student engagement, and a dynamic learning environment.

Member - University Senate since 2014, to contribute towards long term vision of the Institute, such as, activities to protect the interest of faculty and students in inclusive academic environment, to enforce ethical academic standards and research integrity, to engage in policy formulation, resource allocation, review new academic programs and publication of results.

Member -Institute Academic Committee (IAC) since 2017- Activities include, to extend necessary support for Review and recommendation for the Academic programs, ensuring alignment with education standards, making recommendation for improvements, Academic Conflict resolution, Grievance redressals, and enforcing ethical standards in all spheres of academics in the Institute.

Member -Disciplinary committee-since 2010: Activities include Upholding standards of behavior and ensuring a safe, respectful, and dignified environment within the Institution.  To address violation of rules, and code of conduct by the students to ensure fairness and maintain campus discipline and to address misconduct or violation in a fair and impartial manner.

HOD, Computer Science and Engineering 2021July-2024July: The Department offers  B.Tech (CSE, CE, IT), M.Tech (CSE), and Doctoral Program (CSE). Activities include academic administration, faculty, staff, and student management in the department, departmental strategic planning, student engagement and monitoring, conflict resolution, initiative for collaboration, and partnership.