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It was a great honor and privilege to join IIIT-Bhubaneswar in January-2008 with the initial team. As  a founding regular faculty, besides Teaching and Research, I could get opportunities to play a significant role in the Institute building process of this ambitious venture of Govt. of Odisha in various capacities as assigned from time to time, such as Department Coordinator-CSE, Chairperson-Syllabus Review, Chairperson-Sexual Harassment, Prof. in Charge- Central Library, Member-Disciplinary Committe, Member-University Senate, Member-Institute Academic Committe, Head of Department-CSE etc.

IIIT Bhubaneswar offers B.Tech (CSE, CE, IT), M.Tech (CSE), and Doctoral Program (CSE). Our department is the largest Department of IIIT-Bhubaneswar, in terms of student strength (near about one thousand), faculty, research contributions, external research grants, research labs in the frontier areas, extending support in the e-governance initiatives of the Govt. of Odisha and internal Institue building process.   

Besides the primary assignment of Teaching and Reseach the job role also includes academic administration, faculty, staff, and student management in the department, departmental strategic planning, student engagement and monitoring, conflict resolution, initiative for collaboration, and partnership. Currently, I am also the Chair for the Syllabus Review Committee, Member of the University Senate, Member of the Institute Academic Committee (IAC), and Member- Disciplinary committee. 

My Primary Teaching and research interests are in the areas of Design and Analysis of Algorithms in frontier areas of Computer science, more specifically in the areas of Computational Biology and Disease Genomics. Other interests also include awareness of IP and IPR in the Institute through introduction of courses and awareness camp.