Learning From Home: 2020

June 1st:

Summer is on its way! Enjoy these end of the year read alouds!




Good morning! This week is going to be a lot of fun! Everyone always loves a good road trip! Below are a few resources for you to review and enjoy!



Read alouds:



Week of May 11th: Friday - Field Day

This week we are going to have our IHM virtual field day! It will be different but still lots of fun for everyone! Enjoy these read aloud's about field day and team work! Please reach out if there is anything I can do to support you during your distant learning!





You can even do a few field day activities!

May the 4th be with you~ May 4th

Take a break from your classes today and enjoy a few of these websites. They have some fun things on them. Are you a Star Wars fan? Send me an email! I would love to hear from you!



Even try a writing prompt! Please share with me abell@ihmschoolmd.org


Week of April 27th:

Hello! During this extraordinary time of distance learning, if you are in need of some additional Reading activities outside of your child's grade level tasks, I suggest having your student work on their oral reading fluency and comprehension.

Below are a few free resources that can help you accomplish your goal!


This website allows you to pick from a variety of books. They can read and listen to them. Then even take a comprehension quiz! It's great! You will have to create an account though but there is not cost to you.


Read Theory is an excellent free digital tool that provides individualized reading comprehension practice for your child (ALL GRADES).

Capstone Interactive eBooks:

Stay healthy! Hope to see you soon! Please reach out if you have any questions or need additional support!


Miss Bell

April 20th ~ Earth Day

Good morning! Below are a few stories and activities for you to explore this week.

Celebrate the good!





Again, please reach out to me if I can support you and your learning from home adventure!

Stay safe!

April 16th ~ Welcome Back!

I hope you and your family were able to enjoy your spring break the best you could. I know my family and I took many walks and bike rides. We have even started playing pickleball in the driveway!

Please reach out to me if I can support you in any way during the next few weeks. I am here to help you!!


Miss Bell


Teaches’ Virtual Office Hours at IHM: 9am-3pm

If you have a question or concern after 3pm, feel free to send an email and your child’s teacher will get back with you the next morning. We want to provide you with the information and assistance you need and help the teachers and staff to manage this new reality.

Friday, April 3, no new lessons will be posted. Catch up day for everyone!

April 4 – April 15: Spring Break!

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or need extra support with your child's learning from home. I am more than willing to help!

March 27th

Good morning! Today is Fluency Friday!! Try rereading a few of your favorite stories using a different voice! Below are a few examples.

Read the text in your very best pirate voice!

Read the text if a singing voice!

Read the text using a grandma voice!

March 19th

Good morning IHM familes! I hope you are all adjusting to this new way of life. I know it has been a challenge for me family! Please know I am here to support you if needed! Please reach out and send me an email! Give the indoor scavenger hunt a try to help break up your day! Stay healthy!

March 18th

Good morning!!

Here is something pretty neat! Not sure if you enjoy his stories - but give it a try!

Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems -

Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks. New episodes will be posted each weekday at 1:00 p.m. ET and then remain online to be streamed afterwards.

Good morning!

I hope everyone is positive and healthy! Below are a few links for you to enjoy a St. Patrick's Day story!


