Mrs. Parsio's 

First Grade 


          Reading: Read


*Small group reading and math students may have different work to complete*

Notes and Reminders

*5/3-No School

*5/6-Litter Bug Due

*5/11-Mother/Son Event

*5/14-Field Trip Herrs Factory

*5/23-Alex's Lemonade Stand

*5/24- 1/2 Day

Thursday, May 2nd:

This morning we learned about the fun SPIRIT Week dress that is scheduled for next week.  A flyer was sent home explaining each day's events.  (Dressing up/etc is OPTIONAL and does not require $1.00).  During Phonics/D.I, teams practiced r-controlled vowels and vowel teams ou/ow.  We continued reading Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize.  We talked about how Nate knew the pig did not eat the tuna fish can.  We took our Spelling Test.  For Math, we continued to practice double digit subtraction and used the Freckle Math program.  For Social Studies, we learned about landforms and looked at real photos of different landforms.  We also had to identify different landforms: valley, lake, island, canyon, volcano and hill.  For ELA, we continued our Mother's Day craft.  We had Gym and outdoor recess!

Wednesday, May 1st:
Happy May!  This morning we reviewed the May calendar because we have many exciting events this month!  During Phonics/D.I., teams practiced r-controlled vowels and vowel teams phonics cards.  We continued reading our weekly story.  There is no Reading Test this week!  We used sound boxes to review some words.  Tomorrow is the Spelling Test.  For Math, we took a Chapter 12 Progress Check Quiz and practiced subtracting two digit numbers.  Teams had time for Freckle Math and extra graphing practice.  For ELA, we wrote a card for Mother's Day.  We also worked on a Mother's Day craft.  During Religion, we learned about Mary's life.  We read about a May Procession and put a crown of flowers on our Mary statue in our classroom.  We practiced reciting, "Hail Mary". We had Art and outdoor recess!  If your child finishes their "Litter Bug" early and wants to bring it in, that is perfectly okay!

Tuesday, April 30th:

This morning we earned our 9th class compliment-one more to go for "No Pencil Day!"  During Phonics/D.I., teams continued oral reading practice and long U patterns.  Teams also reviewed r-controlled vowels.  We continued reading Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize.  We discussed similarities between the two stories we read.  We also wrote and drew a picture about what was going on in Rosamond's room.  We sorted our spelling pattern words-short U and long U.  For Math, we continued 10 less and also used addition to help us answer subtraction facts.  We reviewed how addition and subtracted are related.  For ELA, we continued working on a Mother's Day craft.  For Social Studies, we learned about landforms and oceans.  We were able to look at a globe!  For ELA, we continued prepositions.  We had Library/Computer and outdoor recess!  If your child finishes their "Litter Bug" early and wants to bring it in, that is perfectly okay!

Monday, April 29th:
Happy Monday!  This morning during Phonics/D.I. teams had a reading passage to read and cite evidence from.  Teams also continued vowel team cards.  We started our new story, Nate the Great and the Fishy Prize.  We wrote about what we think was happening at Rosamond's house. This is a two week story.  Our spelling pattern for the week is Short U and Long U.  We practiced our sight words today.  For Math, we continued Chapter 12 subtraction/2 digit subtraction/10 less.  We went to Church at 10:00 am.  For ELA, we worked on a Mother's Day writing and craft.  We also had presentations from Fourth Grade Students!  We had Gym and outdoor recess! 

Below is my Classroom Wish List!

Friendly Reminders:

-School Notes will be updated daily and will be the main form of communication for daily happenings!

-School begins at 7:45 am. Students will be marked TARDY if arriving at 7:50 am or later.

-Student sneakers should be all black or all white.  Students are not permitted to wear bracelets.  Watches are okay.

-Clearances are needed for volunteering at the school.  Clearances will last for 5 years.