Rules, Consequences and Procedures


1. Listen when others are talking. Raise your hand when you want to talk.

2. Follow directions

3. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.

4. Work quietly and do not disturb others.

5. Show respect to school and personal property.

6. Work and play in a safe manner.


There are pockets on the children's lockers containing 4 cards - green, yellow, red and black. Each day the children begin with a green card showing. A green card all day earns a sticker in the Agenda and the child can have all of recess. If a rule is broken, the green card is put in back and the yellow card is showing. The child will receive no sticker and will talk to the teacher about the offense at recess time and lose 5 minutes of recess. A red card means stop and no recess. A black card earns a trip to the principals office and a call to parents. If a child does something extra special during the day s/he will receive a blue card and will be eligible for a prize at the end of the week. His/Her name will be put into a box each time a blue card is earned and one name will be drawn and that child will receive the "Friday prize".


Beginning of the Day: Upon arrival there will be a message on the Smart Board telling the children what their first job of the day is going to be. The children should read this message as soon as they walk in the door. Next, they should go to their desk to unpack their backpack. Backpacks and lunch boxes are then put into the child's locker. Any notes from home, homework, reading log, etc. should then be brought to Sister Kathleen who will be at her desk.

Then it is time to begin the morning work noted on the Smart Board.

Snack: We will have a snack each morning at around 9:40. Please send something nutritious and quick to eat.

Lunch: We use hand sanitizer or wash our hands before we go to lunch. Children know the lunch room rules so should be following them each day.

Dismissal: Each child writes his/her homework in his/her Agenda, receives a sticker for good behavior all day (or writes a note to parents if forgot to follow a rule), takes Reading Log and Take Home Folder out of desk.

Backpacks are packed before we go out for recess so that when we come in we are all set to go.

When the prayer bell rings we stand, face Jesus on the cross and pray the Angelus with the people at the office.