MBC-002: Cell and Molecular Biology

Self Learning Material

Unit 1.pdf

In this unit you will study about structure and functions of subcellular organelles. The cytoskeleton protein like microtubules is also discussed in the unit.

Unit 2.pdf

In this unit, you would learn the structural and function of extracellular matrix and the types of cell junction (anchoring junctions, gap junctions plasmodesmata etc.) and cell adhesion molecules.

Unit 3.pdf

In this unit, you will study the different phase of cell cycle, important morphological changes during the cell division process (Mitosis and Meiosis). However, cells must effectively control both the cell cycle and cell death to uphold appropriate tissue function and avert illness. How cells regulate cell cycle is also discussed. The apoptosis and necrosis are types of cell death are also described.

Unit 4.pdf

In this unit, we will explore the intricacies of transport mechanisms that occur at the plasma membrane. We will uncover how cells regulate the movement of ions, nutrients, and other vital substances to sustain life processes. From passive diffusion to active transport, we will delve into the diverse strategies employed by cells to ensure their survival and function. The signalling Molecules and cellular Receptors-G-Protein are also described.