New Bulletproof Material

Mr. Milindshekhar Chandrashekhar Gupta


Mr. Milindshekhar Chandrashekhar Gupta, is a student of MAPCD of IGNOU. He has designed a new bulletproof material with the standards at par with NIJ Level IV (International grade accepted for Bulletproof Jackets used for Military Services)

The Need of the Innovation

The popular bulletproof material 'Kevlar' does not stop the impact force and it has got expiry date too, it cannot be used after a specific time duration. Protecting the Human Life is always a challenge and the need of effective bulletproof material of high efficiency and low cost is the need of the hour. The innovator has invented a new bulletproof material which not only absorbs the impact but is also durable and long lasting (with no expiry date). He has used Impact Distribution System to counter the velocity, momentum and penetration aspect of the bullet.

The Innovation

The new bulletproof material is designed to stop the ‘Steel Core Bullets’ which can penetrate the conventional bulletproof Jackets which is made up of Kevlar or Boron Carbide. This new Bulletproof Material has passed all the Non Prohibited bullet tests and now DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization) has agreed to test it with Non Prohibited bullets (used by armed forces). This Bulletproof Material is designed with the standards at par with NIJ Level IV (international grade accepted for Bulletproof Jackets used for Military Services).

Innovative Features

The popular bulletproof material 'Kevlar' does not stop the impact force and it has got expiry date too, it cannot be used after a specific time duration. He invented a new bulletproof material which not only absorbs the impact but is also durable and long lasting (with no expiry date). He used Impact Distribution System to counter the velocity, momentum and penetration aspect of the bullet.

  • ‘Kevlar and Boron Carbide’ are two popular materials used for making bulletproof material. His new bulletproof material does not use either of these two materials, its a unique new composite material used for the first time for making bulletproof material..

  • The shock absorption and impact distribution technique used in his invention absorbs all the impact of the bullet thereby causing minimum damage to the person using it.

  • The process of manufacturing for this Bulletproof material is simple and does not involve very high investment.

  • It stops the Steel Core Bullet which even Modern Bulletproof Jackets do not stop.

  • The manufacturing cost of this material is 1/10 compared to conventional Bulletproof Jackets procured by armed forces.

  • The overall weight of the conventional Bulletproof Jacket is 18 kg, whereas his Bulletproof material weighs 3.5 kg only.

  • Conventional Bulletproof Materials like Kevlar has expiry date, his innovation has no expiry date, it is for lifetime.

Future Scope of the Innovation

This is untapped Market of low cost Bulletproof Jackets with the limited supplier in the defence sector. His prototype is already passed the testing for non prohibited Bore. Also DRDO have approved his application to test the prototype for testing his bulletproof material for the NIJ Level 4 standards (International standard for Military grade bulletproof material).

The utilization of bulletproof material is not common amongst general public. His invention is exclusively for the armed forces and security personnel. The prototype is prepared for DRDO.