Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi in his address to the  Governors of State and Vice Chancellor and Directors of Universities and Higher Education Institutions called the students, teachers and Heads of the Institutions/ Universities to participate and contribute in India’s bold,  ambitious and transformative agenda of Viksit Bharat@2047. In this  context, NCIDE developed IGNOU’s blueprint for Viksit Bharat@2047  focusing mainly on 11 Goals by 2047. Further to this, Innovation Club@IGNOU organised brainstorming sessions on ViksitBharat@2047. As an outcome of the sessions, it was suggested that Innovation Club@IGNOU should organise goal-wise panel discussions followed by brainstorming sessions. In this context, Innovation Club@IGNOU organised a panel discussion and brainstorming session on "Ideas for IGNOU@2047 – Development and  Implementation of an Education Framework Aimed at the Holistic  Development of an Individual" held on March 28, 2024, at 11:00 AM in a blended mode. Prof. Swati Patra, Director, SOL, IGNOU, Prof. Shubhangi Vaidya, SOITS, IGNOU, Dr. Shahnawaz Ahmad Dar, Regional Director, IGNOU RC Srinagar and Dr. Mohan Sharma, Deputy Director, IGNOU RC Shimla were the esteemed panellists.

About the Workshop

While initiating the panel discussion Dr. Jyotsna Dikshit, Deputy Director, NCIDE, IGNOU
mentioned that as we move forward towards 2047, we are expected to have rapid technological  advancements, which will bring with it multidimensional challenges. Also, the evolving global dynamics and societal challenges will make holistic education extremely crucial for individuals. This necessitates implementation of a holistic education framework for IGNOU to enable the development of well-rounded individuals intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically, and ethically. She then deliberated upon the major action points to be taken regarding development and implementation of an education framework aimed at the holistic development of an individual.

She then invited Prof. Swati Patra to give her views on the topic “Holistic Development of the Individual towards Viksit Bharat@2047”. Prof. Swati initiated her presentation by highlighting the health related issues in youth. She then highlighted the need of young generation who understand their true self, can think globally and act locally, feel a sense of accountability for this whole earth that we all are inhabiting, can sense the inter-relationship and  inter-dependency of things and beings for the betterment of everyone. Further, she discussed about the Pancha Kosha viz.: Annamaya kosha, Pranamaya  kosha, Manomaya kosha, Vignanamaya kosha and Anandamaya kosha. She then highlighted the diverse characteristics of IGNOU learners, issues and challenges faced by them and their key areas of concern. She then discussed the action points related to the curriculum and community outreach.

Prof. Shubhangi Vaidya initiated her discussion by throwing light on the VUCA world and its challenges. She then highlighted upon the need of transforming the education system. She then deliberated the human values for global citizens. Some of the action points suggested by her are collaboration across disciplines to develop interdisciplinary content in tune with  contemporary needs; course-based admissions; strengthening student support services and devising tailored  strategies for programme delivery; effective use of social media and online platforms to facilitate  interaction between learners and faculty and learners; and fostering community engagement through extension activities.

Dr. Shahnawaz Ahmad Dar highlighted the characteristics of holistic approach and  deliberated upon the challenges of holistic  education. Further, he discussed in detail the development and implementation of an  educational framework from the perspective of the Regional Centers, Learner Support Centres and IGNOU Learners. He highlighted the need and scope of reengineering the IGNOU Student Life Cycle Management in context to the  education framework aimed at the holistic development of an individual. He discussed its major  components viz., Admission, SLM (Self Learning Material), Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA), Term End Examination (TEE), and Student Support Services. He also deliberated upon Holistic Digital  Inclusion, E-Resources, Capacity Building of Academicians/ Counselors/ Staff For LMS and Project/ Dissertation. Finally, he highlighted the need for developing digital infrastructure at RCs including computer systems for offices, smart classrooms/meeting rooms, computer labs and smart studio.

Dr. Mohan Sharma presented his views on IGNOU@2047. He mentioned that or 2047 is a journey and a journey has several long-term, mid-term and short-term goals. He further mentioned that to meet the goals and objectives influx of technology in terms of value system, sociological and psychological needs and
educational aspirations will play an important role.

Dr. O. P. Sharma, Director, NCIDE appreciated the ideas given by the panellists and that these have given the direction for NCIDE to revisit the existing system and come up with the development and implementation of an education framework aimed at the holistic development of an individual. The panel discussion was followed by a brainstorming session on the way ahead for development of the framework. Following points emerged from the discussions:

The session was highly interactive. Dr. Jyotsna Dikshit, Deputy Director, NCIDE coordinated the session.