BPHCT - 133

Electricity and Magnetism

About the Course

Electricity and magnetism are related with countless phenomena around us: From the lightning lighting up a stormy sky, the electrical power generation plants and distribution systems, and electronic and electrical communication systems, to the numerous electrical appliances and machinery which we use all the time in our daily lives The structure and interactions of microscopic particles, the stability of atoms and molecules, and all matter are governed by the electromagnetic forces.

This course on Electricity and Magnetism comprises four Blocks: Block 1 on Vector Analysis (on the concepts of vector differential and integral calculus required to study the subject), Block 2 on Electrostatics (on the fundamental concepts of electrostatic force, electric field and electric potential for charges at rest in free space), Block 3 on Electrostatics in Medium and Magnetism (on dielectric materials and magnetic fields due to steady currents and magnetic properties of materials), and Block 4 on Electromagnetism (on electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations, and electromagnetic fields and waves). The Blocks have numerous interesting applications of various concepts, from our surroundings.

Self Learning Material
