BGYCL-132 Physical and Structual Geology: Laboratory

About the Course

The course titled ‘Physical and Structural Geology: Laboratory(BGYCL-132) is laboratory oriented course integrated to the theoretical aspects dealt in the ‘Physical and Structural Geology (BGYCT-131) of the B.Sc. (General) Programme.

Most of the experiments in this course include activities that can be done in Geology laboratories hence this would require your hands on involvement in Geology laboratory. All the experiments have one or more activities that need to be written in your practical notebook and reported to the academic counsellor after completion. After performing these experiments, you will gain practical skills for observing, recording and solving various problems related to physical and structural geology. You will also learn to use topographical maps and clinometer compass, and interpret geological maps.

The course comprises 11 Experiments and is worth 2 credits. The first two experiments are based on Block 1 and are related to the Earth’s interior and seismic zonation of India. Next experiment deals with the study of topographical maps and interpretation of various physical and cultural features in it. Next experiment is based on Block 2 and deals with identification of different kinds of landforms from various block models and satellite images. Next experiment deals with the study and use of clinometer compass. Next four experiments are based on Block 3 and are related to identification of different geological structures such as folds, faults, unconformities, problems of dip and strike. Preparation of topographical profile, geological cross-section and also interpretation of geological maps are integral part of geological studies and are dealt with in the next Experiment. In the last experiment, you will learn to plan and prepare for fieldwork, collect geological field data, interpret the data collected and prepare fieldwork report.

Self Learning Material

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BGYCL-132 Physical and Structural Geology Laboratory English.pdf
BGYCL-132 भौतिक और संरचनात्मक भूविज्ञान प्रयोगशाला.pdf