Member Publications

Paul Sopčák, Lecturer in the English Department and Academic Integrity Coordinator, MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada

  • Sopčák, P. (2007). “Creation from nothing”: a foregrounding study of James Joyce’s drafts for Ulysses. Language and Literature, 16(2), 183–196. Reprinted in M. Toyota (Ed.). Stylistics, Vol 4. New Delhi ; Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.1177/0963947007075984.
  • Salgaro, M., & Sopčák, P., (Eds.). (2018). Empirical Studies of Literariness: A Special Issue. Scientific Study of Literature, 8(1), in preparation.
  • Sopčák, P. (2011). A numerically aided phenomenological study of existential reading. In F. Hakemulder (Ed.), De Stralende Lezer: Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Naar De Invloed Van Het Lezen (pp. 123-152). Den Haag: Stichting Lezen.

Davide Castiglione, Lecturer in English language and literature, Vilnius University, Lithuania

  • Castiglione, D. (in press; estimated publication in September 2018), Difficulty in Poetry: a Stylistic and Processing Model. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Castiglione, D. (2017). Difficult poetry processing: Reading times and the narrativity hypothesis. Language and Literature, 26(2), 99-121. DOI: 0963947017704726
  • Castiglione, D. (2013a). The channel of (mis)communication: Semantic and pragmatic deviances in two poems by Geoffrey Hill and Susan Howe. PALA conference proceedings.
  • Castiglione, D. (2013b). The semantics of difficult poems: Deriving a checklist of linguistic phenomena. Journal of Literary Semantics, 42(1), 115-140. DOI: 10.1515/jls-2013-0003

Winfried Menninghaus, Director, Department of Language and Literature, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (Frankfurt am Main)

  • Wallot, S., & Menninghaus, W. (2018). Ambiguity effects of rhyme and meter. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Advance online publication.
  • Hideyuki, H. & Menninghaus, W. (2018). The eye tracks the aesthetic appeal of sentences. Journal of Vision, 18(3), 19.
  • Wassiliwizky, E., Koelsch, S., Wagner, V., Jacobsen, T., & Menninghaus, W. (2017). The emotional power of poetry: Neural circuitry, psychophysiology and compositional principles. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(8), 1229-1240. doi:10.1093/scan/nsx069
  • Menninghaus, W., Wagner, V., Wassiliwizky, E., Jacobsen, T., & Knoop, C.A. (2017). The emotional and aesthetic powers of parallelistic diction. Poetics, 63, 47-59. DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2016.12.00
  • Obermeier, C., Kotz, S. A., Jessen, S., Raettig, T., Koppenfels, M. von, & Menninghaus, W. (2016). Aesthetic appreciation of poetry correlates with ease of processing in event-related potentials. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(2), 362–373.
  • Menninghaus W., Bohrn I., Knoop C., Kotz S., Schlotz W., Jacobs A. (2015). Rhetorical features facilitate prosodic processing while handicapping ease of semantic comprehension. Cognition, 143, 48-60.
  • Menninghaus, W., Bohrn, I. C., Altmann, U., Lubrich, O., & Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Sounds funny? Humor effects of phonological and prosodic figures of speech. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 8(1), 71–76. doi:10.1037/a0035309.

Willie van Peer, Emeritus professor of Literature and Intercultural Hermeneutics, Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany

  • van Peer, W. (1986). Stylistics and Psychology. Investigations of Foregrounding. London: Croom Helm.
  • van Peer, W. (1990). The measurement of metre: Its cognitive and affective functions. Poetics 19, 259-275. 10.1016/0304-422X(90)90023-X
  • van Peer, W. (1991). But what is literature? Toward a descriptive definition of literary texts (pp. 127-141). Roger D. Sell (Ed.) Literary Pragmatics. London / New York: Routledge.
  • van Peer, W. (1996). Canon formation: Ideology or aesthetic quality? The British Journal of Aesthetics, 36(2), 97-108.
  • van Peer, W., & Chatman, S. (2001). Introduction (pp. 1-13). In W. van Peer & S. Chatman (Eds.), New Perspectives on Narrative Perspective. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
  • Van Peer, W., & Hakemulder, F. (2006). Foregrounding (pp. 546-551). In K. Brown (Ed.), The Pergamon Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguisitics, Volume 4. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • van Peer, W., & Nousi, A. (2006). What reading does to readers: Stereotypes, foregrounding, and language learning (pp. 181-193). In G. Watson & S. Zyngier (Eds.), Literature and Stylistics for Language Learners. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • van Peer, W., Hakemulder, F., & Zyngier, S. (2007). Lines on feeling: Foregrounding, aesthetic appreciation, and meaning. Language and Literature, 16(2), 197-213. DOI: 10.1177/0963947007075985

Frank Hakemulder, Assistant Professor, Department of Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Affiliated Full Professor at the Reading Center of Stavanger University, Norway

  • Balint, K., Hakemulder, F., Kuijpers, M. Tan, E., & Doicaru,M. (2016). Reconceptualizing foregrounding: Identifying response strategies to deviation in absorbing narratives. Scientific Study of Literature, 6(2), 176-207. DOI: 10.1177/0963947007075985
  • Zyngier, S., Hakemulder, F. & Van Peer, W. (2007). Complexity and foregrounding: In the eye of the beholder? Poetics Today, 28(4), 653–682. DOI: 10.1215/03335372-2007-011
  • van Peer, W., Hakemulder, F., & Zyngier, S. (2007). Lines on feeling: Foregrounding, aesthetic appreciation, and meaning. Language and Literature, 16(2), 197-213. DOI: 10.1177/0963947007075985
  • Hakemulder, F. (2007). Tracing foregrounding in responses to film. Language and Literature, 16, 125-139. DOI: 10.1177/0963947007075980
  • Hakemulder, F. (2004) Foregrounding and its effects on readers’ perception. Discourse Processes, 38(2), 193-218. DOI: 10.1177/0963947007075980
  • Hakemulder, F. (2008). The more you see, the more you get: How spectators use their limited capacity for attention in responses to formal aspects of film (pp. 332-352). In J. Auracher & W. van Peer (Eds.), New Beginnings in Literary Studies. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Van Peer, W., & Hakemulder, F. (2006). Foregrounding (pp. 546-551). In K. Brown (Ed.), The Pergamon Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguisitics, Volume 4 (2nd Edition). Oxford: Elsevier.