Stata Level Information

To determine your Stata skill level for the Logistics form, please use the following guidelines: 

Stata Training Prerequisites

Stata 101:

 You have very little or no knowledge of Stata.

Stata 102:

You have some Stata experience (say in a college class) but would not consider yourself particularly comfortable with the program. You are very familiar with the following concepts:

 You are likely somewhat familiar with:

Stata 103:

You have used Stata for a major school project or in a work environment. You feel comfortable with all basic commands and are very familiar with the following concepts:

 You are likely somewhat familiar with:

 Stata 104:

This is an advanced, applied, Stata class. You should be quite comfortable using Stata. You are very familiar with the following concepts:

You are likely somewhat familiar with:

Note: If you are struggling between two levels , it is suggested you start at the lower level. The trainings are flexible, and it is easy to move up quickly after an initial session.