Native American Legends for kindergarten students.

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Sant Jordi school in Mollet del Vallès needed help. 4 year old kids wanted new stories for the English class. 2nd ESO students in Torre del Palau are working with Historical facts related to Native Americans in the English class and had an awesome idea to help them. Would you like to watch the video teachers recorded while receiving the message?

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Students decided getting real Native American legends and turn them into stories for young kids. Here you have the instructions and checklist given by the teacher to help them with their final task.

1.- How to make legends into spark stories for 4year old kids.docx

The teacher has also given them a model as scaffolding material to help them.


Here you have the canva of the activity, as well.

Competency-based activity template Presidential Campaign.docx
Native Amreican legends Competency-based activity new template- Bonet & Mont 2022.docx