IES Teatinos 

Bilingual Coordination


Bilingual project 2021-22

We have had a bilingual project since 2019; however, this is the first year that our high school is independent, so we wish to start our own bilingual programme.

Our aim is to integrate subjects, with English as an important tool in the learning process.

Over this year, we will be working on integrated didactic units. The students' projects will be published on this Site and all the extra activities related to our programme.

As well as this, we will publish material, news and links to interesting webs.

Hopefully, our next step will be the creation of a Plurilingual Project.

Welcome to our Site.

Ana S. Bilingual Project Coordinator.

PEN PAL - AMIGO POR CORRESPONDENCIA:   Would you like to have a Pen pal? Here is a form you should fill up to register. 

Saint Valentine

We are sharing some of the sentences written by a group of students about Saint Valentine.

Our high school was decorated with many hearts and images. We had a nice day celebrating this festivity.


Christmas - 2021

On the 23rd of December, the last day of our first term, we attended a wonderful Christmas celebration with music (our pupils delighted us by playing instruments, and two girls sang for us in English); we had both classical and Christmas dance performances, and even some Christmas Sevillanas. Other pupils gave a beautiful recital with poems in both French and Spanish, and the show ended with a Christmas Zumba, which encouraged the spectators to dance a little. Julia, our hostess, livened up this performance like a true professional.

We had several shows at different time slots, to reduce capacity. In this way, the sports hall had the necessary square metres so that everybody could maintain a safe distance. We also made sure that the space was well ventilated by opening the three large exit doors of the sports hall. As well as this, the use of face masks was compulsory at all times.

We would like to congratulate the artists and the collaborating pupils of 4th of ESO. We are also very grateful for the work of the PE teachers and the excellent coordination.


Thanksgiving 2021

Today, fourth Thursday of November we have celebrated Thanksgiving with our students. 

Thanksgiving is a special holiday that is celebrated in the United States, Canada, Liberia and some of the Caribbean islands. It is a time to be thankful for all the blessings from the past year, or for the good people and things we have in our lives.

The students of 1st of ESO have drawn a turkey, which is the typical food at this time, and have written a line expressing gratefulness in the feathers.

The drawings are very original and artistic.

European day of languages. 26th of September 2021

The council of Europe proclaimed the 26th of September as the European day of languages as a way to encourage language learning across Europe.

To celebrate this day, the students of all the levels of our high school have written a short reflection about the advantages and the good feelings we may have when communicating in a foreign language. Lots of beautiful and artistic cards have been published, in different languages, on a big poster at the entrance of the high school. 

Thank you so much for the participation and teachers' coordination.

Bilingual programme coordination. (Sep. 2021)

Feria del Plurilingüismo

El pasado 26 de mayo, la profesora de francés, J.M. y yo, A.S., profesora de inglés, asistimos a la Feria del Plurilingüismo que se celebró en la Universidad de Ciencias de la Educación. 

Además de asistir a unas sesiones informativas sobre Plurilingüismo, el encuentro tenía como objetivo compartir, a través de carteles, las buenas prácticas que se vienen desarrollando en los centros bilingües. 

En la foto podéis ver el cartel que presentamos. Es un collage de fotos representativas de nuestras actividades en inglés y francés. Aporta el código QR de nuestro Site, en el cual se muestran noticias, actividades relevantes, material elaborado por los profesores y las auxiliares, y preciosos proyectos de alumnos, que se han realizado en las distintas áreas vinculadas el bilingüismo, a lo largo del curso académico 2021-22

Primeros contactos con el Centro Irlandés: 

Bangor Academy

Un grupo de alumnos de nuestro centro ha iniciado comunicaciones por correspondencia con un grupo de estudiantes de un Centro Irlandés, Bangor Academy.

El próximo año, entre los meses de febrero y marzo, un grupo de alumnos de este centro irlandés vendrá a visitarnos. Solo quedaría acordar la fecha de una posible visita, por nuestra parte, a su Centro. 

Así pues, estamos ilusionados considerando estos primeros pasos, como el inicio de un posible proyecto de intercambio en un futuro muy próximo.

Proyectos futuros en francés

El IES Teatinos ha sido seleccionado para realizar el programa de intercambios de la Junta de Andalucía en el curso 2022/2023 y va a realizar un intercambio de una semana con el Lycée Saint Joseph de Concarneau en la Bretaña francesa. El grupo estará compuesto por alumnado de 4º de la ESO del curso que viene. En la sección Française conocerás más detalles sobre este proyecto.