St. Patrick's Day

Actividad realizada para celebrar el Día de San Patricio con alumnado de 3º y 4º de ESO, consistente en buscar información sobre la festividad utilizando las nuevas tecnologías: escaneando códigos QR distribuidos por los pasillos del centro, deben responder a una serie de preguntas sobre la celebración. El grupo que obtenga un mayor número de respuestas correctas en el menor tiempo posible resultará ganador.

Preparación de la actividad

Creación de códigos QR, selección de imágenes, elaboración del cuestionario




Question 1

Why do we celebrate St. Patrick's Day on 17th March?

Question 2

What did St. Patrick try to explain with the symbol of the shamrock?

Question 3

Legend says St. Patrick drove all the snakes from Ireland. Was it possible? Why?

Question 4

What must a leprechaun do if somebody captures him?

Question 5

What is the meaning of the Irish flag colours?

Question 6

What musical instrument is considered the symbol of Ireland?

Question 7

Ireland and music are synonyms. Lots of wonderful singers and musicians are Irish (The Cranberries, Enya, U2, … ). What is the name of the group and the name of the song you can listen to on this video?

Question 8

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in many countries, not only in Ireland. Particularly remarkable are the celebrations in the USA, where there are millions of Irish descendants. In which American city is the river dyed green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

Question 9

What is the nickname of Ireland? Why?

Question 10

What is the missing word in this St. Patrick's Day blessing?