Críticas y reseñas

"El cine es una herramienta poderosa
para desarrollar una
actitud crítica"

Andrea Leal Zájara - Trabajo para subir nota - Reseña En busca del fuego (1981)-1.pdf

Excelentes reseñas de la película "En Busca del Fuego" (1981), realizadas por alumnas de bachillerato de la profesora Nahid Steingress Carballar.

Reseña_En busca del fuego_Lucía Quintero_1º Bach C.pdf

Redacción de reseñas en inglés (film reviews) del alumnado de 1ºESO A:

Yes Day (2021)

Reseña redactada por Paula Parra Montero, 1ºA

  • Title: El día del sí (Yes Day)

  • Genre: comedy. Movie for the whole family

  • Setting: in the family home

  • Main characters: Jennifer Garner, Jenna Ortega, Everly Cargallina, Julian Lerner, Edgar Ramirez

  • My rating: ★★★★★

  • Link to the movie trailer: here

"It ́s a very funny movie, it’s about a family in which the children like their parents are very boring, they make the parents say “YES” for a day, and they couldn’t pick up the cell phone either. They have a great time. I have really enjoyed watching the movie, they spend many family adventures."

The Hunger Games (2008)

Reseña redactada por Paula Rodríguez Díaz, 1ºA

  • Title: The Hunger Games

  • Genre: adventure (novel)

  • Length: 1h40minutes-ish (3 movies)

  • Setting: dystopian, post-apocaliptic nation

  • Main characters: Katniss Everdeen, Peter

  • My rating: ★★★ and a half

  • Link to the movie trailer: here

"The Hunger games is based on a country where there's a hierarchy. The Capitol, also the richest city of that country, is surrounded by twelve extremely poor districts. Due to a rebellion of those districts ruled by The Capitol, each year a deadly game called "The Hunger games" is played, it requires two citizens of each district; a male and a female.

The main character is Katniss Everdeen, a 16 year-old girl which takes part in that game. I really liked the trilogy, the plot was very interesting but it also was very violent and bloody so I was pretty uncomfortable when those scene were shown. Apart from that, the film is totally worth the time!"

film review (1) (1).pdf