
Official languages

English and French are the official languages. Most people speak English, but in the province of Quebec, they speak primarily French. New Brunswick is totally bilingual.

Most spoken languages

Apart from English and French, Mandarin and Punjabi are the most commonly spoken languages in Canada (half a million people), followed by Cantonese (400,000), Spanish (320,000) and Arabic (290,000).

Canadian English - American English - British English 

Although Canadian English has a great influence from American English, it still has the British forms of `theatre´, `centre´ or `colour´. Also, the double consonant of words like `travelled´is maintained, whereas in American English there is only one L. 

On the other hand, the verbs ending in `-ise´in British English, follow the `-ze´form, as in American English.


Indigenous languages

Canada is home to a rich variety of indigenous languages. There are 14 indigenous language groups with 70 distinct languages and dialects. Most of them are considered endangered. 

Both Nunavut and the Northwest Territories have official indigenous languages alongside French and English, such as Inuktut, Cree, Dënësuliné and many more.