«Motivar el aprendizaje para lograr una mejora a nivel escolar, profesional y social y reducir el absentismo»

Project Nr: . 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851_4

Project code: 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851_4

Motivating the learning engine to increase student's school, professions and social success and reduce absenteeism.

About project

The main reason for this project has come from a need of our school of care for a few years, that is, we have a high percentage of unmotivated students to learn. We are a technological high school, we are not always pupils with the smallest grades, but once they get into our system they are not progressing, they see high school life as a punishment to stay in classes where it is important to promote them not to learn.

So if we motivate pupils to learn, we can easily guide them to a career and create generations of active students on the labor market.

Specific objectives. For students

  1. Increase in self-esteem to students participating in learning activity;

  2. Develop to students participating in learning activity of positive attitude towards school education;

  3. Developing to students participating in the learning process, the ability to be
    aware of their own learning process on the basis of awareness of the usefulness of theory in a practical context;

  4. Developing to learners in learning activity, career guidance capability based on
    awareness of the importance of study qualification;

  5. Developing to the number of pupils participating in the learning activities of the equal
    education chance feeling in the partner countries.
    For teachers: develop the skill to integrate in the didactic and extracurricular process of the methodologies, tools used by the partners (learned from each other) according to the project theme.
    Direct target group -120 teachers and students and 6 reserves

Partner organisations

  • Scoala gimnaziala prof. Univ. Dr. Ion Stoia, Caldararu. RUMANIA

  • Graditeljsko geodetska skola, Osijek. CROACIA

  • Sehit Mustafa yaman anadolu iman lisesi, Izmir. TURQUÍA

  • IES Jaume I, Borriana. ESPAÑA

Breve descripción de los participantes