The Project

About the project

The project is based on the interests and skills of the learners. In the first step, the group names will be suggested considering the learners’ interests and skills. Then, students will be informed about the project and the volunteered students will choose the suggested groups in which they want to work. In each group, different activities related to the interests and skills of the learners will be organized. Each team will work collaboratively with the help of Web 2.0 tools. As a final product, all teams work in different activities collaboratively. In this project, we aim to enable the students to learn more about their own interests and skills, raise awareness about the importance of teamwork among students, enable students to improve their communication skills in a foreign language and give chance to increase their creativity and provide multicultural cooperation among the students.


The project intends the students;

1. to discover their own skills

2. to enable students to feel confident in communicating in a foreign language integrate technology and Web 2.0 tools in education give chance to increase their creativity

5. to be more active in the lessons

6 to raise awareness about the importance of teamwork among students share information with people from different countries


NOVEMBER -a presurvey to students and teachers in the project. 2.Creating a project intro, website, blog of the project, and dissemination works. 3.Introducing and greeting using Twinspace, Voki) 4.Icebreaking activities 5.presentations about partners’ countries school, cities, customs, and cultures. DECEMBER 1.Creating logos and posters of the project.2. Creating slogans and vocalize them using Voki or ChatterPix 3. Creating a students' team. The teachers will form transnational teams according to students’interests by applying a survey. Two teachers will be the mentor of each team. The students in each team will work collaboratively 4. The students of each team will work on a product related to their interests using collaboratively using Web 2.0.4. The students of each team will work on a product-related to their interests using collaborative Web.2 Tools 5.Applying a teacher-student mid-survey JANUARY 1.Each team will present a product of their team. using collaborative Web.2 tools 2.The students will be in contact with via social media and twinspace .3.exchanging emails and talk online 4.An online challenge among students(Kahoot) FEBRUARY 1.Creating the common product of the project .It can be an e-book or a virtual gallery containing the products of each group MARCH 1.Evaluation and exhibition of the project 2. Applying a post satisfactory survey.


As learning is not an event that occurs at the same speed and with the same methods. Some students learn slow, others learn fast. Some students learn with games, some with music and dance, and some with pictures . So In this project, we will enable students to work according to their interests and skills. In this project we aim to improve the students’ understanding school subjects in their own pace,help them to be more active in classroom while learnİng and use appropriate Web 2.0 tools both in the classroom and at home.In this project we intend students to communicate in a foreign language,to integrate technology and Web 2.0 tools in education, to communicate in a foreign language,to be more active in the lessons and to integrate our lesson curriculum to our students’ lives.At the end of the project we will make a final product collaboratively.