Nuestra experiencia

30th September, 2019

We met at the airport of Zaragoza to take a flight direct to Milan. We took it at 9 and we landed at 11. Then we took a bus and the underground to go to the hotel, where we had lunch.

In the afternoon, we walked around the city. We saw the most important monuments: cathedral (Duomo), Galería Victor Manuel II (full of exclusive shops) and a castle (Castello Sforzesco) and walk in a park and beautiful streets. Some of us had the best ice cream we had ever tasted in our lives!

Then, we had free time to discover places of the city and have dinner.

Finally, we took the underground to return to the hotel.

(Adrián, Marcos and Nicolás)

1st October, 2019

At 9am we went to railway station and took two trains to get to San Salvo, a town near Vasto. There, three Italian teachers were waiting for us to drive us to hotel. In the evening we had a walk around the city and bought pizza for the dinner. That night, we had some free time to go to near the hotel and we met the Czech students.

(Ignacio, Radu and José)

2nd October, 2019

We wake up at 7am, we had a breakfast at the hotel and we went all togheter to the school. There they showed us their school, they gave us pizza, their chearleaders danced and we sang the song Volare all togheter.

Then we played a game which consisted in saying something about ourselves.

After that we had lunch in a restaurant near the sea.

At 4pm Italian students did a tour around Vasto and explained to us the most important places and monuments.

Then we went to a restaurant with all students from France, Czech Republic and Italy to have dinner, delicious pizza!!!

(Jara, Lucia and Laia)

3rd October, 2019.


We wake up very early in the morning. The trip from Vasto to Napoles lasted three hours, but we could sleep, talk, sing and listen to music.

When we arrived in Naples, we visited the church of San Genaro, along the way we almost died run over several times. Also we visited the museum Capella San Severo where we saw sculptures. We had for lunch the typical Italian food, desserts and the chef gave us a free pizza to taste.

Aftet having lunch, we went shopping. While we were going to the meeting point, it started to rain and hail and we found the bus that took us back to Vasto.

(Dana, Mónica and Paula)

4th October, 2019. Vasto

On 4th October, Friday, the Italian teachers prepared three different workshops for us, sculpture, painting and design. We were in groups of four, we had previously decided who had to go in each activity. It was sad because someone couldn't do the one he wanted, but finally everyone enjoyed their work. When we finished it, we had lunch at school and then we had free time.

In the afternoon we went to the town hall and a speaker of every country talked about their schools and countries, afterwards the mayor talked and they took some photos and gave a present to the teachers. Finally the Spanish group went to had dinner all together to a pizzeria and we got back to the hotel.

(Adrián, Marcos and Nicolás)

5th October,2019. Treglio

That day we got up at 7:15 and had breackfast. Then, we took the bus to a little town which was 1h far away from Vasto.

There some teachers taught us many things about fresco painting and also we could paint our fresco.

After doing all that we went to a restaurant where we ate pasta, French chips and pork.

When we finished we went to an ancient monastery where we saw an old cathedral and we also had beautiful views of the beach.

Finally we went to the hotel and after dinner we had 1:30h of free time. It was time to say goodbye to all our new Italian friends.

(Ignacio, Radu and José)

6th October, 2019. Rome

We wake up at 7 in the morning. We took the bus at 9am and we arrived in Rome at 2pm. Then, we got to the apartament by underground at 4:30pm , we were very tired and we ate in McDonald's.

After lunch, we went to visit the Colosseum and other places of Rome like Venecia Square, the Fontana di trevi where all of us threw a coin into the fountain , the Pantheon and the Navona Square where we had free time for shopping. Finally, we ate pizza and we visited the Spagna Square and the Popolo Square.

(Lucia, Jara and Laia)