specific objectives - sdg project

The EduCaixa Challenge - BeCritical 2022 proposes to produce an awareness video -in audiovisual communication format- of a maximum duration of between 2 and 3 minutes, in which they identify a cause that moves them -linked to a specific ODS (within which they can choose a particular goal) - analyze it within the framework of one or several specific contexts (social, geographical, political, historical, etc.) and create awareness. The piece must be formulated in a critical, grounded and rigorous manner, both technically and in terms of content.

  • At a technical level, the teams will be able to follow the indications worked in the BeCritical program for the pre-production, production and post-production phases.

  • At the content level, they should include information on the SDG analysed, in addition to taking into account learning. obtained during the program on the themes of entertainment, advertising and/or technoaddictions.

  • In addition, when planning the video, they will need to consider which audience their campaign/initiative is targeting and take into account the evaluation criteria set out in section 4 of the guide.

step 1: create an online portfolio

step 2: write a report about the choice

Teams should prepare a report on the work process in which they collect:

  1. Title of the video;

  2. Why they have chosen that SDG;

  3. What is the cause that moves them;

  4. What is the context (or contexts) under analysis;

  5. What have been their sources of information; To which audience they are addressed;

  6. Why they decided to transmit information in this way;

  7. What impact they think they could achieve in society from their video and what they seek to awaken in their audience (concrete actions or facts);

  8. How has been their work process; How roles and tasks were distributed;

  9. What they learned during the video planning and development process.

The maximum length of the report is 2 pages (DIN-A4 size, with Arial 11 font and 1.15 spacing).

G2. Report (EN)

Group 1

G3. Report (EN)

Group 2

G1. Report (EN)

Group 3

G5. Report (EN)

Group 4

G6. Report (EN)

Group 5

G4. Report (EN)

Group 6

step 3: design a storyboard for the video

This task was done with Boords

🔎Click on each image to watch the atudents' results.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

step 4: create a video to raise awareness