- Targets and plan of the project


Participating students will have the opportunity to learn:

- Put into practice and improve your knowledge of English.

- They will learn Greek at a basic level (alphabet, basic vocabulary such as greetings, etc).

- They will learn about the Green Deal, climate change and nature.

- They will learn to work as a team.

- They will improve their skills with the use of ICT necessary in previous contacts and in the use of eTwinning.

- Current and historical Greek culture.

- They will be involved in an environment outside their family with which they will live for a week as part of it.


In a first stage, we will create an eTwinning space, where our students and their Greek counterparts will exchange experiences and carry out activities on the fight against climate change, promoting students to become aware of and make the Green Deal effective.

The students participating in the mobility will stay with families of students from the receiving center. During the visiting days, the participants will attend classes. They will also carry out activities related to the history and culture of our town and the receiving town. In addition, cultural and nature visits will be made in the area. The activities will be carried out in English.