Conference schedule


Arrival in Zaragoza


8:15 - 9:05: Students go to class with their hosts.

9.15 - 9.50: Registration / ODS interactive music activity

10.00: Opening ceremony at IES Miguel Catalán

11.00- 12.00:  Coffee break.:"Chocolate con churros"

12.15 - 14.00:  Walking Ecotour of the city

14.00: Lunch (teachers) at Cafe Teatro Romano

15:30 - 21.00: Free time (Kayaking in the Ebro River from 16:00 to 19:15 will be offered. Not included in the fee: 20€ per person). Kayak route departure: Playa de Juslibol Kayak route arrival: Embarcadero de Vadorrey  Important: Sunscreen is needed and a spare set of clothes is advisable!

21.00: Dinner (teachers) at La Marula


7.00: Bus departure to Linza. Location: In front of "Colegio Romareda", Calle Pedro IV. 

10.00: Arrival and registration: student groups and rooms organization

11.00: Workshops: 

1. Climbing (routes class 4, so very easy ones aimed at beginners. Students will follow, not lead, so there's practically no risk at all. All materials and security items as helmets will be provided). (Jesús Abad, Carlos Orea, Patrick Brucher)

3. Yoga and mindfulness practice. (Raquel Donés and Ilona)

13.30: Lunch at the canteen (only teachers). Host families will provide sandwiches to the students.

15.30 pm- 17.30: Eco-dialogues:

a) Small-group stations. Students will rotate from station to the next one:

b) Dialogue in plenum

17.30 - 19.30: Art project presentation: photography and haikus

20.00: Dinner

23.00: Quiet time


7.45: Breakfast

8.30: Hike to Petrechemas Peak (2.371 m., +1100 positive slope). The route is very secure, but at the same time demanding due to the slope. Appropriate hiking boots are necessary- regular sport trainers don’t suffice. Invited teachers are not required to hike, and there will be an alternative walk around the mountain retreat. Don't forget: Rain jacket, trecking boots, water bottle, some snacks (fruit be provided).  Review equipment here.

14.30: Lunch at the canteen

15.30 - 19.00: Time for the art project and creation of collaborative poster (and for having a rest after the hike). Teacher's meetings for future projects. 

20.00: Dinner and party


8.00: Breakfast. Luggage must be brought downstairs at this time (there is a space to leave all suitcase in the lodge's hall)

9.15:  Orientation race in Gamueta Forest. (Although the students will do it in groups on their own, there will be teachers along the way taking care of them.)

14.00: Lunch at the canteen

15.00: Closing assembly: sharing our artistic creations. 

16.30: Back to Zaragoza

21.00: Farewell dinner (just for teachers) at Contigo pan y cebolla.

6/10 FRIDAY-  Travel Day