Spring cleaning

On International Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, operating at the 1st Secondary School of General Education Nicholas Copernicus in Toruń, the Mega club (existing as part of the Erasmus + project implemented by the school), decided to organise the Spring Mega Cleaning of the Earth. The action lasted from April 19th to 23rd. Over 100 students took part in it, also from outside the 1st High School. Parents also joined the action and went out with their children several times.

The following areas were cleaned, among others: Wrzosy, Bydgoskie Przedmieście, Na Skarpie, Podgórz, Rubinkowo, Rudak. Young people from outside Toruń collected rubbish in Cierpice, Czernikowo, Czarne Błoto, Raciniewo, Wroniec and Przysiek. People involved in helping the Earth met in small groups, with sanitary restrictions.

The participants of the Spring Mega Clean-up of the Earth photographed their activities and wrote short reports in which they shared their thoughts with Oliwia Folborska, who promoted and documented the event.

-There was less garbage this year, but that does not mean there was not enough of it. I asked the people I passed by what they thought about such actions. They were in favour of it but doubted it would change anything. It has already changed! The earth is cleaner by a dozen kilograms of rubbish! We do segregate, so a lot of these things will get a second life! And they would decompose over hundreds of years, releasing toxins. People can see what we are doing, and they may not follow in our footsteps (or will they?), But chances are they will think twice before throwing something away where they should not. It is better to act than to be passive, "because what will it change?"; I have no doubts that the I-do-not-do-anything-because-it will-not-change approach will not change anything. On the other hand, this action, even on a micro-scale, such as ours, apart from the obvious and immediate effects, has a chance to turn into something macro. Only this is a time-consuming process. Scientists say that we have little time. Whatever it is, I prefer to act in such a way as to support life, and I hope you will too. - says Professor Ilona Sziling (coordinator of local activities of the Mega club in High School No. 1).

- In the forest, we encountered various types of rubbish, from polystyrene to partially rusty metal rods. Most of them were among the bushes and the lower trees. Around the benches, we found glass and plastic bottles as well as waffle wrappers, take-out wrappers, and even cold meats wrappers. While cleaning, we met a man who started applauding us and said that he admired and respected us for taking care of our planet and that he also cleans forests and parks in his spare time. Also, other people who were walking in the forest that day looked at us with admiration and approval. After an hour, we collected three bags of garbage, which was a huge shock for us. After cleaning, we threw the bags into the appropriate rubbish bins, we had great moods and knew that thanks to our actions, we not only cleaned up part of the planet, but also inspired other passers-by to take the bag and clean up a piece of the world, and before throwing away the candy wrapper, did the bottles in the bushes consider if it is worth it. - says Zofia Czarnecka from class 1E.

–Already at the entrance, the mass of bottle caps, food packages and cigarettes were noticeable. The farther we went, the more rubbish we found - lots of bottles (plastic and glass), handkerchiefs, plastic bags of course. In addition, we came across things that you do not expect to find in the forest - shoes, clothes, computer mice, cables, and all kinds of electronic equipment. In just over an hour, we filled seven bags of 120l, although unfortunately, we did not even walk half of the forest. We were shocked all the time because of the amount of rubbish in the forests. It is just very sad that we are destroying our planet out of our convenience. - says Natalia Laudańska from class 2C.

Students were cleaning various places, but they all had one thing in common - a huge amount of pollution. All those who took part in the action spent their time actively in the fresh air and feel satisfied because they have done something good for the Earth.

Oliwia Folborska, MEGA Club Poland