How to become more environmentally friendly?

Being environmentally friendly means having a lifestyle that has a more positive influence on the environment. You do not have to reorganise and change everything right now; you can start by making small changes, which will gradually become a part of your normal life.

Change to LED light bulbs

You can start by changing to LED Light Bulbs. Those bulbs last longer and are more efficient than conventional bulbs. LED Bulbs are constructed with no hazardous materials or chemicals like mercury that are often found in traditional bulbs. These materials, whilst posing no threat to home dwellers, are bad for the environment, and due to the short life span of these bulbs, they are often sent to landfills and not recycled properly.

Choose eco-friendly products to clean the house

While shopping you should choose cleaning products that don't contain ingredients like detergents, preservatives or foaming agents that are harmful to the environment. Switching to products that contain sustainably grown or raised ingredients is essential if you want to go for an eco-friendly household.

Change your travel habits

The method of transportation that you choose has a major effect on the environment. Travelling by bus or train is a lot more efficient and environmentally friendly than either driving on your own or flying because both buses and trains release lower amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than planes. That's another way you can become more environmentally friendly :))

Reduce food waste

Producing uneaten food is a waste of resources like water, energy, hours of labour etc. You shouldn't overbuy, just buy the amount of food you know will be enough for you. You should check the use-by dates when you buy it so that you will use it before it expires.

Natalia Jaworska, MEGA Club Poland