Donald Trump's climate policy and it's legacy.

Trump's dismantling of American major climate policies and how it affects today.

Shortly after his inauguration as the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden returned the US to the Paris climate accord, an agreement his predecessor Donald Trump left. That was one of

Biden's first steps to undo Trump's heritage of rolled back environmental rules. The Trump administration dismantled in over four years more than 100 environment-related policies, 98 by now

in total with 14 to be in progress. The 112 rules governing clean air, water, wildlife and toxic chemicals. The "New York Times" set up a list based on research from Harvard Law School, Columbia Law School and other sources, in which the rule reversals are divided by sectors and the progress of the reversal.

List of rules revoked by the Trump government.pdf

The Environmental Protection Agency, who is responsible for the execution of the rollbacks justified their actions by stating that "previous administrations had overstepped their legal authority, imposing unnecessary and burdensome regulations that hurt business". Most of the rollbacks weakened the limits and rules set up by the Obama administration, but some of them have been challenged by a court in states, and even a few have been struck down. Unfortunately, the consequences of the Trump administration's actions are affecting America already now.

For example, there is currently no protection for "more than half the nation's wetlands" and the "legal justification for restricting mercury emissions from power plants" was withdrawn. Furthermore, will the revocation of the rules lead to "significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions" and "thousands of extra deaths from poor air quality each year"?

Joe Biden has already started to combat these reversals, but there are many more to undo. The the new President has a lot of work to do to re-establish the pre-Trump state, which is estimated to take "months - or even years".

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